Chapter 13(Abhay)

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As I saw Sahika entering the activity room, I stooped low in my hiding place. In just a few moments, I saw muttering something to herself and then she closed her fists tightly and her nails started piercing into her palm. She des than whenever she wants to control her anger or tears.

I couldn't see her crying which is why I decided to come out of my hiding place now. I switched off the lights and could feel her getting startled. Then I played her favorite song and started the mini projector that I had already set. I could see her tears turning into smiles as our pictures, videos and memories started playing on the wall.

Then the final touch, I came out of my hiding place and gave her the remaining 14 roses sitting on one knee, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the love of my life.", I could see her getting emotional as she accepted the bouquet from me.

"Thank you so much Abhay, I thought you forgot my birthday.", she said and when I stood up she immediately hugged me.

"How can I forget your birthday smoothie, you are my lifeline.", I said without breaking the hug.

We remained like that for a few seconds and then we got startled and broke the hug when we heard our friends singing "happy birthday" for her. They had a cake in their hand.

It was a clothes themed cake considering that my girl was a fashionista and loved clothes and styling.

After cutting the cake Sahika fed the first bite to me and said, "this is one my best birthdays."

"But someone just said it was their worst birthday ever.", I replied feeding the cake back to her.

"Yes, I did but you turned it into the best one. Your presence makes everything better, best in fact."

FLASHBACK ENDS (29 y/o Abhay)

When Raghav told me to gift her 28 red roses this year on her birthday, at first I refused. But after a few minutes, I thought that it could be a really good idea, it might remind her of the good moments we had spent together and perfectly we clicked. And I guess I was right; I mean Raghav was right.

I got startled and came out of my thoughts when my intercom ringed. It was Kriti. She told me that the meeting room was all set and Sahika was about to leave in a few minutes.

I stood up from my chair and corrected my clothes. Then I turned off my laptop and went to open the door. I saw Kriti sitting on her desk which meant Sahika still hadn't left, so I went to Kriti and started talking. We had grown a bit close in the last few days, her, me and Ankit.

We were deeply engrossed in our conversation when I heard, "I pay you guys to work not to chat."

It was Sahika, her voice was so raged and authoritative. Then she turned to me and said, "We are getting late for the meeting." She started walking towards the conference room. I and Kriti exchanged a confused expression, unable to figure out what made her so angry.

As I rushed to keep up with Sahika and then walked behind her, I noticed her fisting her hand and piercing her nail in her palm. Some habits never change I guess.

The meeting went quite well, the officials looked highly convinced and invited Sahika to visit their head office in Bangalore once before finalizing on the collaboration.

After the meeting, I walked with Sahika towards our cabins and just as I was about to enter my cabin she said, "I am sending you my presentation for next week. Edit it by tomorrow."

I entered my cabin and sat on my chair. I exhaled a deep sigh and switched on my laptop. She had already sent the presentation. "More work? I am not even finished with the investor's profile and then I have to meet Sahil also."

"Welcome to the corporate world", I heard Ankit's voice and saw him standing against the door frame.

"Don't you have some work?", I asked him getting frustrated.

"I had a meeting with Sahika ma'am but she is busy with Sahil so Kriti told me to wait."

"Then why aren't you talking to Kriti. Don't you think we are spending too much time together? You don't want Kriti to get wrong impression about you preferences."

"You don't have to care about my preferences, she knows them just fine.", he said and winked.

We chatted for a few minutes and then I went back to work. I saw Sahil walking towards through the glass. But he stopped near my cabin door and poked his head in to say, "meet me at 5 in my cabin."

Before I could reply he went away. I can't believe this. First I had to take orders from my ex and now I have to take orders from the reason of our break up. I can understand Sahika being angry with me, she was hurt with our break up and startled by me showing up all of a sudden.

But Sahil, I won't take orders from him and I won't. I was the one helping him with his new client, he is the one who should be grateful to me rather than bossing me and I will show him that.

At 5 pm, I huffed a breathe and left for Sahil's office. When I entered his office, I saw him leaning against his desk and using his phone. I went inside without knocking and kept my laptop on his desk.

"Don't you have manners? Why didn't you knock?", he said lifting his gaze towards me.

"I am learning from the best you now.", I said pointing that neither did he knock on my door a few hours ago.

"You are five minutes late."

"I see you are very punctual. So, next time you need my help you can come to my office on time and ask for it directly.", I replied while sitting.

He huffed a breathe, "I didn't tell you to take a seat."

"I didn't realize I was obligated to ask you."

We started working and I gave him some new ideas he wasn't remotely thankful for. Every second I spent in his cabin, I regretted my decision of helping him. When we were done I started closing my tabs and shutting down my laptop he suddenly said, "Stay away from Sahika. She isn't the girl you can fool easily anymore."

"I don't need to fool her. Unlike you.", I said and exited his cabin.

When I reached our floor I found Sahika waiting for the lift with the bouquet of roses in her hand. Our eyes met for a moment and then she lowered her eyes after some time.

Iam sure she would have got at least 20 bouquets today but she still decided totake mine one home with her. Interesting.


Hey readers,
Spoiler: these roses are going to play a big role in their story.....

Did you like the surprise Abhay gave to Sahika? Isn't it the grand gesture we wish to get at least once in our lifetime

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