Chapter 15(Abhay)

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I was about to leave for home when Ankit came into my cabin with a huge smile and happiness dripping off his face. "We are partying today, you are coming with us.", he said in a cheerful voice.

"What's the occasion? Who all the going?", I asked while packing my stuff.

"You, me and Kriti", he said.

"Just the three of us?", asked in a suspicious voice.

"Just the three of us.", he confirmed. I gave him a scary glance and he sat across me, "I think Kriti likes me too. Today she flirted with me."

"That's great.", I replied being genuinely happy for him. "But why are you dragging me along?"

"So that she doesn't get suspicious."

"Well.........okay.", I said


I am sitting in my car. I decided to enter the restraint a few minutes after Ankit and Kriti to provide them privacy. Ankit and Kriti had come here in Kriti's car while I decided to bring my own car.

I took a deep breath and exited the car, locking it and started walking towards the entryway of the restaurant. As I entered the restaurant, I felt a cool breeze hitting me.

It wasn't the cool breeze from the air condition but something much chillier and nerve-wrecking as if someone was staring at me, looking right through me. I looked around but found no body.

Then a hand came to my shoulder, I turned around to find Ankit on a call. He pointed towards a table where Kriti was sitting on alone and made gestures indicating that he will be back soon.

I walked towards and Kriti and pated on her back, she stood up and instantly hugged me. When she left me, I acted as if I was out of breath and said in a damp voice while breathing heavily, "What was that about?"

"Thank God you came before Ankit. I want to tell you something", she said with the same cheerful smile that Ankit had a few hours ago.

I took a seat and she began, "I like Ankit, in fact I love him. It's been a while you know but id int have the courage as I didn't have any other friend in office to support me. But now that we have you, I think I want to do something about it. Today I tried flirting with him and it worked, he flirted back. I was cloud nine you know. But you need to promise me one thing, you won't tell anyone. Our office has strict rules against dating and I can't risk my job."

When she stopped, she was out of breath but couldn't stop smiling. Even I couldn't stop smiling. I was so happy for them, at least someone was getting love.

"Why are you smiling like that? ", she asked me all of a sudden startling me.

"I.. I am not smiling.", I replied stammering a bit.

"Yes, you are. Is there something you are not telling me?". She gave me a side glare but when I didn't reply she continued, "Abhay what are you hiding?"

"Okay, okay I am telling but you have to promise me that you will not tell Ankit that I told you."

"Okay...go on", she said in a calculative voice.

"Ankit likes you. He told me on my very first day"

"And you didn't tell me?", she asked giving me a deathly glance.

"I had promised him, I won't."

She sat there silently as if calculating something until Ankit came but as soon as he arrived I stood up from my chair and lied, "there is some emergency at home, I should go."

"Sure bro I will see you tomorrow I guess."

I went from there providing them the privacy that they desperately needed. But before leaving Kriti hugged and tilted her face a bit to say thank you in my ears in a way that no one could notice.

During the walk from the door of the restaurant to the car, I felt the same shivers throughout my body that as if someone was watching me. This time when I turned around, I saw Sahika sitting in a car at the driver's seat and giving me a hard glare.

I thought of going to her and talking but decided against it. This was not office and she wasn't my boss here. I am not obligated to do anything. Moreover, I was still upset by the way Sahil treated me and somewhere I think it was her fault.

After coming home that night, I received a mail regarding the HR policies of S MEDIA in which one certain policy was highlighted. The rule about no office romance.

I couldn't sleep for a long time that night thinking what the mail was supposed to mean and why was it directed to me. At the end I came to a conclusion that sahika knew I was helping Ankit and Kriti and hence she tried to warm me.

The next day I went to office early so that I can finish all the work before the weekend trip. It was about an hour when Kriti came into my cabin with two cups of coffee and sat opposite me.

"Hey, this is for you." She said forwarding one cup to me.

"Thank you but you didn't have to do this."

"It's okay, Sahika ma'am hasn't come yet, and I was also looking forward to having a chat with you.", she said and I had a sip from my cup.

It turned out to be her black coffee but I didn't interrupt as she was telling me about events of last night with Ankit. Apparently, they had agreed to date in secret to see where this relationship goes. Somewhere in my heart, I knew it will work.

I quietly forwarded the black coffee towards her and took my cup. And then I started my work again while she kept talking until we were disturbed by a bossy glare and a taunt, "Looks like my assistant has become yours now Abhay."

We turned to find Sahika standing in my cabin's doorway. Kriti instantly got up and rushed to her desk. And then Sahika gave me a dead glare.

Did she hear Kriti talk about Ankit and their secret dating and now she blames me for it. She can't fire me for supporting them can she?


Hey readers 

As promised, i am back just after finishing exams. To compensate for the last 2 weeks, i will be uploading  chapters daily this while week that is till sunday. Enjoy reading.

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