Chapter 4 (Sahika)

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I sit in my cabin with the profile of my new secretary opened on my laptop. I have looked at this profile for more than 10 times in the last 2 days since my brother sent it to me. Something makes me oddly uncomfortable whenever I think about working with this man.

His name for starters, ANHAY AGARWAL, what kind of a name is that. I haven't never heard or met anyone with that kind of name. And this person claims to be from my college, in fact from my batch itself. I don't remember any Anhay Agarwal from college and he is not even in the college Alumni. Isn't that suspicious. Then this person claims to be one of the toppers but still he took a drop of 4 years before pursuing with his masters.

I don't know why my brother is so whipped for this person. He won't even listen to me whenever I try to convince him against hiring this person. Not that now I can do anything because we have signed the contract and Anhay is probably on his way to my cabin.

I sent my assistant Kriti to greet him and show him his cabin along with everything else, because it's his first day here. But I have no intensions to be polite towards him or show him any mercy during his work period. He claims to be the best, he will have to prove it.

I hear a knock on the door. It must be Kriti, time to change from a loving sister and friend into a scary boss. Thats what I do. I change myself and my personality according to the people and environment around me. I play many roles during the day, and right now I have to play the role of a doting boss.

When I fail to answer the door, Kriti slightly opens the door and pokes her. "Ma'am, he is here.", She says and I nod indicate her to come in. She opens the door fully and turns to face Anhay, "Come in.", she says to him and takes a few steps towards me.

The next person that enters the room sends me in shock, it's not Anhay. Its Abhay, my ex, my one and only love. Memories from college flash through my eyes and my demeanor shifts from bossy to shocked, his expressions reflecting my own. I forget my surrounding for a moment and get lost in his charcoal eyes. He leaves a sigh as if he had been holding a breathe for a long time now.

"Hi", he says to me still looking in my eyes.

I am so shocked I couldn't even open my mouth and reply to him. But then Kriti clears her throat and I come back to my senses. There has to be some mistake. This person isn't Anhay, its Abhay. Yes he is from my college. Yes he was a topper. Yes he did take a break from marketing to help with his family business.

I turn towards Kriti, she is looking at me with confusion. If I want to talk to Abhay and clear everything then she needs to leave. I put my boss mask up again and say, "Call my brother now!", I order her in the most commanding tone ever.

"Sure ma'am". She says exits my cabin and walks towards her desk to get my work phone that she manages.

"What are you doing here?", I ask Abhay in the same bossy tone.

"I am your new secretary Sahika.", He says still looking straight into my eyes.

"No, you are not. You are Abhay. The name of my secretary is Anhay.", I declare.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I am your secretary. I had a meeting with Pranay sir last week and he offered me this post. You can check my profile. I am sure you have it. Everything matches, my college, my internship, my grades. Check my profile for everything you already know about me."

"I have the profile right here and it belongs to some Anhay Agarwal.", I nearly scream. "How did that happen? Explain"

"I don't know, maybe some typing error."

"Are you even listening to yourself, we are one of the top marketing companies in the nation. We don't do typing errors."

Abhay was about to say something, just when Kriti entered and handed me the phone.

"What is it now Sahika?", my brother says from the other end.

"What is the name of the man you hired as my secretary?", I say in my bossy tone.

"Are you serious? You have his profile. Don't you know his name?"

"Just tell me what his name is, please", my tone becomes softer as desperation and urgency kicks in.

"It's ABHAY AGARWAL.", I cut the line before he could complete his sentence. I hand the phone back to Kriti and ask her to leave.

"You were right, there has been a typing error.", I say to Abhay.

"Told you so.", His words make me angry. What does he think this is? He can't enter my life after 6 years and act so normal about it. Especially, now that I have to be in his proximity for at least 6 months.

How can he be so casual about this? How can he be so casual with me? I am not his girlfriend anymore and inside this office premises I am his boss and I will show that to him.

I fix my expressions and take over my bossy roll. "Don't ever use that tone with me ever again. I am the boss here and you are my employee and nothing more. Go to your cabin right now and get to work. From now on all the conversation we have will be through mails or Kriti. Understand?", I say to him in a bossy tone to put him in his place.

"Yes ma'am", his expressions turn from soft to hurt and he leaves my cabin.

I sit on my chair and my caress my forehead. This can't be happening. Why is this happening to me? I call Kriti into my cabin and ask her to postpone all the meeting I have today as I wasn't feeling well and wanted to head off home. Which was a lie obviously.

I also asked her to load Abhay with work for this weekend's adding some extra tasks. That's what you get for using the casual tone with your boss Mr. Abhay Agarwal. You are going to regret your decision of joining this company. I will make sure of it.

You may be the love of my life but I don't tolerate employees who mess up with me. Especially the ones with special contracts and direct promotions.


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