Chapter 8 - Excited

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Felix woke up by the sound of his alarm blaring at him. He quickly rolled over and dismissed it, and went right back to bed not wanting to get up just yet.

He was awoken a second time by Chan yelling at him from downstairs,

"Felix!! Get your ass up right now, you're gonna make us late!"

The said male just groaned while keeping his eyes closed, and they only shot open when he heard Chan yell again,

"Don't make me come up there!"

That made him jump out of his bed, almost falling over from the speed of it.

"I'm up, I'm up!"

Felix quickly composed himself before walking into the bathroom to take a shower and do his hair.

After he finished he went back into his bedroom, heading towards the closet to see what he was feeling like wearing today.

After spending about 10 minutes mixing and matching his clothes, he finally decided on a beige oversized sweater with black flowy dress pants along with lots of silver jewelry.

After seemingly satisfied with how he looked, he checked the time and cursed when he saw that class started in 20 minutes.

He hurriedly grabbed his backpack and phone, running down the stairs, of course tripping along the way, before reaching the living room where Chan was already grabbing his car keys and his belongings too.

Upon hearing the footsteps, the male looked up and rolled his eyes at his brother,

"Took you long enough beauty queen. You ready now?"

Felix flipped him off before starting to walk towards the door to leave, followed by Chan who kept teasing him about how long he takes to get ready.

The two eventually made it to school, and were walking in when Felix heard his name being yelled from behind.

The said male turned around to see Jisung running to catch up to him with a huge smile on his face. Felix instantly returned the smile, standing in his place to allow the other to get to him.

"Good morning lix! How'd you sleep?"
Jisung panted out while hugging his best friend.

"Good morning! I slept alright, what about you?"

The two males continued their conversation while walking into the school and heading towards their lockers which were luckily located right next to each other.

"So, have you seen Minho today yet?"
Jisung asked while wiggling his eyebrows at the other who was taking some books out of his locker.

"No, but I have lunch with him today. Why? Have you seen him?" Felix asked while closing his locker and facing his friend.

"As a matter of fact, I have. Are you excited to see him?" Jisung asked while a smile started creeping up on his face.

"Of course I'm excited to see him. Why are you being weird?" Felix suspiciously asked while squinting his eyes at the other.

Jisung's smile turned into one of a Cheshire cat himself while still staring at Felix.

"I'm flattered to know that you're excited to see me petal."

Felix jumped when he heard a deep raspy voice whisper in his ear.

He quickly turned around to see Minho with a small smirk on his face while leaning towards him.

Felix's face flushed a deep red while cursing underneath his breath.

He turned around again to curse Jisung, but the other had somehow completely disappeared.

"So tell me, do you feel excited every time you see me, or is today just special?"

He heard Minho ask from behind him again. He whipped around to completely face the older who was still standing with a smug smile on his face.

"Pfft, why would I be excited to see you, I was just saying that to agree with Jisung."

Felix let out while backing away only for his back to collide with the lockers. Minho started inching closer, trapping Felix between his arms.

"Don't be shy, it's okay to be excited. I'd be excited if I were you to see me too. I mean, who wouldn't be." Minho let out with a shit eating smirk on his face, which made Felix roll his eyes.

"You're so full of yourself. No one wants to see you Minho." Felix said while trying to push Minho's hands away from his head so he could leave.

"Are you sure about that doll? Cause I thought I just heard you saying that you love seeing me."

Felix felt one of Minho's hand clamp down on his waist, holding him in place while the other was still beside his hand, caging him between the lockers and the hot male in front of him. Felix said nothing, cause he'd be lying if he disagreed.

"Tsk, what a shame. Cause I know I love seeing your pretty face every time."

Him and Minho stared at each other for a minute more before they heard the bell ringing, indicating that they only had 5 minutes before class started.

"I'll see you at lunch," Minho said while letting go of Felix completely and turning around to go to his class.

"Oh, and don't worry. I won't tell anybody how excited you get to see me everyday,"
Minho winked at the other before disappearing down the hall.

Felix stood there for another minute trying to process what just happened. Did Minho just openly flirt with him like that?

As much as Felix enjoyed it, he was too embarrassed about the fact that Minho overheard him talking about him.

He didn't know a lot about what happened, but he knew one thing for sure.

He was going to beat Jisung's ass

If you guys come across any grammar mistakes or anything that doesn't make sense, please feel free to correct me! It would be very helpful so I can learn and try to write better! Thank you!💗

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