Chapter 1- Oh God

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Felix's pov:

Why me?! Why, why why?! I must have royally pissed someone off in one of my previous lives, and in return they cursed me. Cursed me with what? Bad luck. I swear I can never have a normal day. And today just got even worse because Minho's coming over in an hour to hangout with Chan.

Don't get me wrong, Minho's a great guy, the only problem is he's a little too great. I've known Minho for 7 years, and him and Chan have been friends ever since they were 12. He comes over everyday to see Chan and occasionally he'll even come over just to see me. But that leaves the biggest problem.

I'm hopelessly in love with him.

I have been since I saw him 7 years ago. He's sweet, caring, and is pretty overprotective of chan and me and an added bonus is he's ridiculously hot. But the problem is he only sees me as a little brother. Which has crushed all my hopes of dating him one day. But am I still head over heels for him? Yes, yes I am. And I don't think that will ever change and I can accept that.

"Felix, come downstairs, Minho's here!" Chan screamed from downstairs.

"Be right there!"

3rd person pov:

Felix rolled out of his bed and ran to the bathroom to make sure he looked alright. His hair was a little messed up from laying down, but he decided to just leave it how it was. He also decided to stay in his outfit which consisted of basket shorts along with an oversized plain white shirt. He had a couple silver necklaces on, along with some dangly earrings. After he deemed himself presentable, he quickly left the bathroom to go downstairs and greet Minho.

As he made his way downstairs, he heard Chans laugh along with Minho's. When he got to the living room, he was welcomed by Chan sitting on their bean bag, while Minho was on the couch looking at his phone.

And if things couldn't get better, Felix once again was struck with his curse, and tripped down the last couple steps of stairs, falling right on his knees with his head down.

"Felix! Are you okay?"

Minho instantly jumped off the couch to wrap his hands around Felix's waist and lift him back up to his feet.

Now you would think his brother would be at least a little worried, but nope. Chan was currently laughing his head off in the corner while holding his stomach from laughing too hard.

"Gee, thanks for your help chan. I'm not hurt, thanks for asking." Felix deadpanned.

"Are you sure you're okay petal?" Minho's worried face came into view while his eyes scanned Felix up and down to look for any injuries.

Felix could feel heat rising to his neck and ears, as he looked away to not further embarrass himself.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking Minho hyung."

He could see Minho's sweet smile turn into a sly smirk real fast.

"That's a relief. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt. Who else would make me food while I play games then?" Minho said while holding in his laugh.

"Oh fuck off both of you" Felix rolled his eyes as he removed Minho's hands from his waist as he walked into the kitchen to look for something to eat but also get away from the other two older males.

"I'm just kidding lix, don't be mad!" Minho said as he trailed behind Felix into the kitchen.

"Why don't you and Chan go play your stupid video's games or something and leave me be" Felix replied as leaned down a little to open the fridge deciding to make himself a sandwich.

"Nah, you're more entertaining than a screen. If I leave then I can't see your cute angry face"

Felix turned his head to see Minho leaning against the side of the fridge, and it was just then that he realized how close their faces were and he couldn't help but get even more flustered.

"I-If you leave me alone, I'll make you a sandwich." Felix wanted to hit himself for stuttering, but that only encouraged Minho to tease him even more.

"Extra avocado?" He said as he leaned even closer to Felix's face.

"Yes, extra avocado"


Minho finally leaned away and started to walk away but not before throwing a wink at the others direction and Felix let out a small breath that he didn't know he was holding.

Oh god, he was definitely cursed

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