Chapter 15 - Lions Den

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Felix didn't think that falling on the ground could hurt as much as it did right now, with the hard ground welcoming his back, and a heavy weight landing on his chest.

He hissed out in pain, letting go of his bag making all the contents in it spill out all of the pavement.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there! Are you okay?!" He heard a light voice say making him open his eyes to see a very concerned lady looking down at him.

He slowly looked at her, both realizing that she was still laying on top of him, making her gasp before pushing herself off of him and standing up.

She looked around his age, maybe in college, but very close. She had short black hair with the underneath of it dyed blonde, which really complimented her face.

"I'm so so sorry! Here, let me help you!" Right as she let her sentence out, her eyes fell down to Felix's torso and she seemed to freeze.

Confused, Felix also looked down to see that his hoodie had lifted, and was now exposing his red and purple bruised stomach and chest.

He quickly pulled his hoodie down before pulling himself to a sitting position. He looked back up to see the girl still looking at him, but this time with what looked like pity in her eyes and Felix hated that.

He didn't want anyone's pity, especially someone he didn't even know. Before he could speak though, the girl bent down before putting all his medicine back in the bag for him.

But for some reason, she didn't give it back to him, just continued to hold it while looking at him which left Felix beyond confused.

"Let me help you as a way of showing I'm sorry for bumping and falling onto you,"

"No, it's okay. I'm fine, but thank you," Felix quickly let out, not wanting anyone seeing his bruising, especially some stranger.

"I insist. Believe me, it's a lot harder to apply ointment when it's on yourself, so please let me help you,"

Her words were so genuine that before he knew it, he was nodding his head to agree. She let out a smile, extending her hand out to help Felix off the ground, which he gladly took.

"There's a bench just behind the store where no one really goes, so we can go there," She said before grabbing Felix's hand and slowly walking towards a tunnel that he assumed led to the back.

Felix knew this seemed suspicious, following a complete stranger to the back of a store when it was dark out, but something about this girl made him feel so comfortable that he got rid of his logical thinking. The pain in his body was also messing with his head as well, so he wasn't really thinking straight.

They made it to the back and just like she said, there was a picnic table right under a street lamp.

"I'm Lisa by the way," He heard her say while setting the bag on the table and sitting down. She looked up at Felix and gently patted the spot next to her, indicating for him to take a seat.

"I'm Felix. It's nice to meet you," He introduced himself, taking the seat next to Lisa on the bench, both just sitting down for a minute before he heard her speak again.

"I'm gonna need you to take off your hoodie so I can see where I need to tend to," Lisa said, still adorning that gentle smile on her face.

Felix however had a rush of awkwardness run through him. He didn't really want to take off his hoodie for a girl. It felt weird even though they weren't doing anything and he was gay.

"Don't worry, I have a girlfriend, so I won't be 'filling you up' so relax. Plus I promise, no one's gonna come back here and see you," Lisa laughed out, seeing how Felix seemed uncomfortable.

That made him relax and laugh as well, before proceeding to slowly remove his hoodie. He looked down and gasped when he saw himself.

Different colors painted his entire upper body from his torso to his finger tips. He didn't even want to imagine what his lower body was gonna look like when he makes it home.

Lisa however didn't seem fazed at all, just quietly put some ointment on her fingers before starting to gently rub it over his bruises. Her fingers felt like feathers on his body. He could hardly tell she was touching him, only noticing when she'd accidentally press a little too hard on a bruise.

"Why are you so good at this?" He hesitantly asked, not sure if he was allowed to ask questions.

He watched as she slowly looked at him, sadly smiling before grabbing bandages and wraps to put on him.

"I got bullied in highschool a lot because of my looks and how I talked. I was a nerd if you would. I've also had my fair share of bad relationships, so I've just mastered the skill of care." He watched as she seemed to take a deep breath before continuing,

"When I saw your bruises, I couldn't help but to think about when I was younger. Being scared and in pain, not knowing what you were doing and no one to help you. I used to come to this very store to get my supplies as well, so I felt obligated to help. Speaking of which, you're done," Lisa finished wrapping his body before pulling away to look over him, making sure she didn't miss anything.

"I don't think I can do your legs though cause I'm sure we both don't want that," she said making him laugh in agreement.

Felix looked over at her, really looking at her this time. She had perfect makeup, not a hair out of place, and colorful clothes that covered every part of her body.

You would have never expected that she went through something similar to him. She seemed so confident in herself, but after hearing her talk, Felix knew it was just a mask to hide herself.

"Thank you so much Lisa, you don't know how much trouble you just saved me from," Felix sincerely let out, making her smile before grabbing his hand.

"Don't mention it. Let me drive you home, I know walking probably isn't the most ideal thing right now," She said while getting up. Lisa quickly put everything back in the bag before handing it over to Felix who just smiled at her.

Lisa really did stick to her word and gave Felix a ride home, both laughing and talking like they'd known each other for years. There was just something about her that was so easy to talk too.

They eventually made it to his house, and he noticed that Minho's and Jisung's car was in the driveway along with Chan's. He quietly sighed, not knowing what to tell them.

Him and Lisa exchanged numbers, both agreeing that they would like to be friends, and she also told him to call her anytime he needed a personal nurse for his wounds, which he laughed and agreed to.

He got out of the car and walked up to the front door, but instead of opening it, he just stood staring at it.

He knew he needed to come up with an excuse for disappearing the whole day, and even though he knew it was just his closest friends, he felt like a lamb walking right into a lion's den.

Double update because thoughts were just coming in and I couldn't wait to update, so here's a gift for you all. Also thank you for over 700 reads! We're so close to 1,000 so thank you so much!🖤

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