Chapter 11 - Breathe

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Felix laid in his bed for hours just staring at the ceiling, the only thing swarming through his head being pain. No matter how still he tried to be, even the smallest movements made pain spike through his upper body, making him feel almost paralyzed.

The first sound he had heard in hours finally came from downstairs, sounding like the front door opening and closing, along with footsteps coming towards his room, followed by soft knocks on his door.

"Felix? Are you in there?" He heard Chan's soft voice through the door. Felix held his breath hoping that the other would just leave him alone.

"I know you're awake. Can I come in? Please?" He heard Chan again, and Felix couldn't find it in him to say no, so he reluctantly let out an okay before the door was swiftly pushed open revealing a worried looking Chan.

"Are you okay Lix? You haven't come out in hours, and you look like you're dead," Chan spoke while walking closer to the other and sitting on the end of the bed, making Felix's face scrunch up in pain from the movement Chan just made on the bed.

His brother instantly sprang back up, "What's wrong?!"

"It's nothing Chan, my back just hurts a little from the chairs at school. I'm fine!" Felix smoothly lied while sitting up with great effort to try and appear more put together.

"You don't look fine to me. Seriously, what's going on Felix?" Chan asked, but sounding more demanding this time, clearly not having any of Felix's bullshit.

"Chan, I'm really fine! I would tell you if something was wrong, which nothing is, so just let it go," Felix bit out, the pain in his body making him get agitated faster than he would have liked.

The other seemed a little taken back by the tone of voice before he slightly nodded his head and left the room without another word, which left Felix relieved but disappointed at the same time.

He knew he shouldn't have snapped at Chan, but he really couldn't think of anything else other than his pain and Eunwoo's threat from earlier.

He decided this was the right thing to do cause that way he was the only one getting hurt.

He sat on his bed, sinking deeper and deeper into his thoughts for God knows how long before he heard footsteps coming back to his room, and in less than a second his bedroom door was thrown open again.

He turned to the door fully ready to yell at his brother, but the words got stuck in his throat when he made eye contact with his very disheveled looking best friend.

"Jisung," Felix choked out, his eyes burning with tears he didn't know he was holding in before they all came crashing down along with the rest of him.

Jisung instantly ran towards the other and quickly pulled him into a bone crushing hug, which only made Felix cry out in even more pain from the pressure that was being put on his bruises.

Jisung pulled back at the noise his friend made, before pulling him into another hug, but this time feathery soft.

"Felix, what's wrong? Talk to me," Jisung softly whispered while still holding Felix as close as possible.

Felix didn't answer the other, just sat there pathetically crying into Jisung's chest, the said male not knowing that he was crying because of him.

"Breathe, c'mon, in and out. Do it with me," Jisung slowly took an inhale of breath, making sure that Felix was doing it with him before slowly letting it out.

Both of them continuing the action until Felix's cry's turned into occasionally sniffles, but neither of the friends made any action to move away from each other.

"Do you want to talk about it now?" Jisung asked with a low voice, still holding Felix in the lightest hug he could manage.

Felix took a minute to answer, debating whether it was a good idea to tell the other the real reason, too worried about his best friends safety to even think about his.

"I'm scared," Felix hoarsely let out, putting all his body weight on the other, to tired to even keep himself up.

"About what?"

"About you"

That made Jisung pull away from the other just enough to look the other in the face, confusion written all over Jisung's face.

"Why are you scared for me?"

Felix was about to tell the other everything that happened today, but the small little voice in the back of his head kept reminding him of Eunwoo, and what he would do to Jisung if he got a hold of him.

"I-im just scared that something will happen to you, and it'll be my fault," Felix half told the truth, feeling like that was enough.

Jisung softly smiled at him before pulling him closer again,

"Nothing you do could hurt me Felix. You know why? Because I know that you are an amazing and caring person, and you would never do something to hurt anyone. So stop stressing cause I'm here, and I'm perfectly fine."

Jisung let out, which made Felix feel both better and worse about himself. Better because Jisung was right, he was doing this so that nobody else would get hurt, but worse because he was lying to his best friend about it.

They both sat there in a comfortable silence, Felix being the first to break it to ask a question.

"How did you know to come here?"

"Chan called me. He was pretty worried, but didn't want to push you since you seemed like you didn't want to talk to him."

That made Felix fill up with guilt, never intending to make his brother feel bad.

"Do you want me to stay over?" Jisung asked, not sure whether the other was ready for him to leave or not.

"No, it's okay. We have school tomorrow, and I need to talk to my brother. But thank you Jisung. Seriously, I love you,"

"Oh Felix, I love you more. Call me if you need ANYTHING, okay?"

The best friends said goodbye, with Felix asking the other to tell Chan to come up if he saw him on the way out.

It only took about 2 minutes before the said male was at the bedroom door, looking hesitant to come in.

"You can come in Chan," Felix said while biting back a smile at how cute his brother looked, almost like a lost puppy.

Once his brother was in the room, and close enough to where Felix could reach him, he quickly wrapped his arms around his brother's torso, not being able to give him an actual hug since Felix was sitting and Chan was standing up.

Chan fondly smiled at the smaller boy, before putting his arms around the others head and gently stroking his hair.

"Thank you. For calling Jisung and being here. I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier, but I hope you know that I didn't mean it. I love you," Felix spoke, his voice slightly muffled due to the fact that his face was buried in the others stomach.

"You don't need to thank me Lix, it's the least I could do. I hope you're feeling better from whatever is bothering you."

The brothers stayed like that for a while longer before Chan mentioned that they should get some sleep, which Felix happily agreed to, being exhausted from all the crying he did.

And while Felix laid there, eventually falling asleep late in the night, he dreamed of happy dreams because even though his outside was still in pain, his insides got the care he needed.

But little did he know that tomorrow, both sides were gonna get hurt

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