Chapter 16 - Brat

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Felix took one deep breath before slowly pushing the front door open and stepping inside. He tried to be as quiet as possible in hopes to not let the others know he was home yet, but they must have had super hearing because all 3 males were at the end of the hallway in an instant.

They all looked like they would fall apart the moment someone spoke, and that's exactly what happened. Felix barely breathed out a timid 'hi' before all 3 of the males were now surrounding him and asking him question after question.

"Felix! Where have you been?!"

"Are you okay?!"

"Why do you look like that?!"

Felix felt his head starting to pound from all the yelling. He took a deep breath before shutting them up,

"Would you all stop shouting!"

Felix saw how that made everybody shut their mouths prompting him to continue talking.

"I just got caught up with a friend and didn't check the time and walked home. I'm not a child, so stop treating me like one. I'm fine," Felix gritted out the 'friend' part, not wanting to give away that he was with Eunwoo.

He watched as Chan and Minho shared a look that he couldn't decipher before Jisung spoke up,

"You don't like fine,"

"Then stop looking,"

Felix knew he was being harsh but in the moment he didn't care. He just wanted to go to his room and lay down after the long day he had.

That's when he caught Minho's eyes staring at the grocery bag he had in his hand making Felix quickly move it behind him.

"What's in the bag?" Minho asked, slowly starting to walk towards Felix to try and see what was inside the plastic bag.

"Nothing! It's my stuff that I bought so back off," Felix slightly hissed out before hiding the bag further behind his back.

That made Minho stop walking, but he didn't take his eyes off of Felix, just stood staring at him with narrowed eyes.

"Stop being a brat Felix. It's almost midnight and no one could get a hold of you the whole day. You apparently walked home from god knows where, and now you have a suspicious bag. We're worried for you, and judging by how you look and are talking to us right now, we have a right to be," Chan firmly let out, pinning Felix down with his stare as well.

"God, it's not that serious! I'm eighteen and able to make my own choices, so stop acting like a parent. I told you, I got caught up and didn't check my phone! You all are just overreacting. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to go to my room. I have things to do, and want to be alone. Move,"

Felix spat out while pushing through them to go upstairs completely missing the concerned looks passed between the males.

He struggled to get up the stairs, but with all the adrenaline he was feeling right now it made it a little easier.

He made it to his room and quickly shut the door, before sliding down the back of it to the floor. He knew he was doing too much, yelling at them while they were just concerned for him but he was at a loss of what to do. He felt so irritated at himself that he was taking it out on the people trying to help him.

He felt like crying again, but he refused to let the tears fall. His eyes hurt from all the crying he had already done and he felt slightly nauseous, already knowing that crying would only make it worse. So instead he sat on the ground staring at the wall, head empty except for the slight throb he felt hitting his temples.

He sat there for a good 20 minutes before getting up and going to the bathroom to finish tending to his body, particularly his legs.

He sat on the toilet lid before slowly pulling down his pants. He felt the nauseous feeling starting to increase when he fully pulled his pants off.

He legs were just as bad as his arms were, adorning different colors of red, blue, and purple. He quickly looked away, not even wanting to look at himself right now.

He grabbed the rest of the supplies he had left and started to gently apply it to his lower body, trying to do it just like Lisa did. Once he finished with the ointment, he bandaged the small cuts he had, and wrapped the parts that looked the worse.

After double checking to make sure he got everything, he walked back into his room to change out of his dirty and bloody clothes.

He just put on a simple different hoodie along with some sweatpants, careful to not pick anything tight along with clothes that covered his entire body so that nobody would see how he looked, himself included.

Right when he sat down on his bed, he heard a gentle knock on his door before it was softly pushed open to reveal Minho.

Felix felt a small pang in his chest, the guilt now eating away at him for how he spoke to the other earlier.

"Hi," Felix quietly let out, not sure what to say.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Chan and Jisung fell asleep on the couch downstairs, and I was probably gonna crash downstairs as well. I just wanted to make sure you don't need anything before all of us fall asleep,"

Minho spoke with a low but soft voice, unknowingly making Felix relax just from the sound of it.

"I'm okay," Felix croaked out, not wanting to burden Minho with anything, knowing that the other was probably just as tired as the rest of them.

Minho looked at him for a little longer, before slowly nodding his head, and starting to close the door before Felix spoke up again.


That made Minho reopen the door and step inside the room, giving Felix his full attention.

"Would you stay with me..." Felix's voice wobbled, kinda nervous for the others answer.

Felix really didn't want to be alone right now, and he was honestly scared. He needed someone there with him, and he only wanted it to be Minho. The other brought him a certain comfort that no one else could, not even Chan or Jisung.

He watched as a gentle smile formed on the other's face before he nodded, closing the door behind him.

Felix quickly got under the covers and laid down, facing the door and closing his eyes. He felt the bed dip from behind him and a body sliding in next to him, also getting under the covers.

Felix knew he shouldn't turn around, but he couldn't help himself, he needed the comfort and reassurance. So he slowly turned around to face the other, seeing Minho laying on his back, before he moved closer to the other.

Felix put his head on Minho's chest, resting his hand on the other's torso before feeling Minho's arm wrap around his shoulders, and the other hand sliding against Felix's before interlocking their fingers and resting their hands on Minho's stomach.

Felix let out a sigh, before letting his body deflate, almost like a balloon losing its air.

He could feel Minho's thumb gently caressing his arm and hear the rhythmic sound of Minho's breathing mixed with his own heartbeat.

"Goodnight petal," Minho whispered against Felix's ear, before the both of them closed their eyes, slowly drifting in and out of consciousness.

And when darkness finally took over everything, Felix fell asleep that night with a certain comfort he never knew he needed

Thank you all so much for over 1K views! I can't express enough how happy that has made me! Love you all, and have an amazing rest of your day/night!🎉💯

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