Chapter 14 - Back To Me

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Felix felt the ground vibrating underneath him. It would start shaking, stop after a second, but start up right after. His ears were ringing, but through that static sound, he thought he could hear music.

He slowly opened his eyes to be met with darkness but could make out the shape of a door a few feet in front of him. Right at that moment, he felt the ground vibrating again and the unmistakable sound of 'Back to Me' by The Rose playing.

He finally realized it was his phone, so he fumbled his hand around the floor to try and find it. He got a hold of it and slowly brought it up to his face to check what was going on. On the screen it showed 40 missed calls and over 30 unread texts in total, split between Minho, Chan, and Jisung.

He watched as the screen switched to an incoming call from Chan, so he quickly accepted it and put it on speaker phone.

"FELIX! Where the hell are you?!" It was less than a second that Chan's booming voice came through the speakers, making Felix wince at how loud the other was.

"Hey Chan," Felix's voice sounded foreign to him. His voice was so hoarse from all his crying that it sounded like he had been smoking for 50 years.

"Don't 'hey Chan' me! School ended 4 hours ago and no one's been able to get a hold of you. Why do you sound like that?! Where are you?!" Chan sounded like he was on the verge of crying. Felix had never heard him so concerned.

"I'll be home in a little bit, don't worry Chan. I'll see you later," Felix quietly let out, his voice cracking through the whole thing.

"What no! Fel-" Chan's voice got cut off halfway through as Felix quickly hung up the call, turning his phone on 'do not disturb' as well.

He'd come up with an excuse to tell all of them later, but he couldn't handle hearing them right now. His head was pounding so hard that he thought it would explode any moment.

He opened his mouth to exhale, but felt something cracking on his upper lip and down his chin. He slowly brought his hand up to wipe off whatever was on him, only to see dried dark red coating his fingers.

He didn't realize how much his nose had bled from when Moonbin had kneed him until now. He slowly pushed himself off the floor, but yelled out in pain when his entire body tensed up before flooding with excruciating pain.

He managed to pull himself up so his back was on the wall with his legs spread out. He could feel fresh tears starting to well up in his eyes. His entire body was in more pain than he had ever felt in his life, and the classroom was surrounded in darkness.

He knew he couldn't stay here any longer though, the night janitors would be here soon and he couldn't afford them finding him, so with all the strength he had left in him, he pushed himself off the floor. He grabbed his backpack and phone, and started limping towards the door to leave.

Luckily the classroom he was in had an exit right next to it, so he made his way out of the school and stood there for a minute not knowing what to do.

He couldn't go home right now all bloody and bruised, but there was nowhere else he could go and stay the night at. So he made up his mind to go to the convenience store not too far from here and clean up before making his way home.

With that being said, he started his walk in the direction of the store, going as fast as he could manage. His whole body felt heavy, like he was made of millions of bricks, dragging him down.

It took him about 15 minutes to reach the store since he had to keep taking short breaks so he wouldn't pass out again. He looked at his reflection in the glass and almost tripped over his feet.

His eyes were puffy and swollen from all the crying that he did. The bottom half of his face and the entire top of his hoodie was covered in dried blood. He looked like something straight out of a crime scene.

He quickly pulled his hood over his head in hopes to seem less noticeable along with wiping the dried blood off his face before walking into the store.

He went straight for the medicine aisle, grabbing all the pain reliever he could find along with ointments and bandages for his cuts and bruises.

After looking at everything he got and thinking it would be enough, he made his way up to the cashier and dumped everything on the counter.

The cashier was an older man, maybe in his forties or fifty's. He gave Felix a long look before starting to ring up his items.

"Are you okay? You're buying quite a lot," The man's voice rang through Felix's ears making him look up to see the cashier already looking at him with a concerned stare.

"I'm fine," Felix's cracked voice answered, giving the man a small smile before looking down again.

"That'll be 25 dollars"

Felix started digging in his pockets for his credit card only to remember that he didn't bring it with his this morning. Cursing under his breath, he checked his hoodie pocket and felt what he hoped was cash in it.

He pulled out his hand to see what it was, and sighed in relief when he saw it was indeed cash but swore again when he noticed it was only a 20 dollar bill. He sat staring at it, contemplating what he should do when the cashier pulled him out of his thoughts,

"That's okay son, I'll take the 20. It's only a 5 dollar difference and you seem like you need the items more than the store does," The man's kind voice said, and Felix swore he could start crying right there and then again from relief.

"Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you," Felix whispered over and over again, handing the money to the cashier who only told him don't worry about it.

He watched as the man put all his medicine in a bag, passing it over to Felix but not before telling him to take care of himself.

Felix thanked him once again before pulling his hood farther over his head and half running, half limping out the door.

However, since his hood was down his face so far he didn't see the figure standing in front of him, making them collide together, effectively having both of them fall to the floor.

Before they could hit the ground though, Felix quickly wrapped his arms around the stranger, turning them so that Felix would land on the ground with the person on top of him

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