𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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A low hum near my ear wakes me up, so I open my eyes and yawn while rubbing them. I hear a low chuckle and smile as I look next to me and see Heeseung. He's laying next to me, having his one arm up as a lean. His hand holds his head while he smiles softly at me, laying on his side. I giggle a bit and stretch, before laying on my side to face him.
"Good morning" I say tiredly.
"Good morning sunshine"
"I can't believe you're actually awake before me this time" I chuckle, making him laugh.
"Well..I kinda felt energetic and woke up 30 minutes ago. Which was good tho..I was able to see your cute sleeping face this way"
I giggle again, his hand now reaching up, stroking some hair behind my ear.
"Did you sleep well? Everything okay?" He asks, his voice calm and quiet.
I nod and hum in response. His smile still wide, his eyes locking with mine. The little sun rays which are shining into his eyes emphasis his beautiful, dark brown eyes even more. Oh..I could fall for those eyes every time.

His eyes are big while he's looking at me, which makes him look like a cute Bambi. I love his eyes. Every time I look into them I feel home..I feel safe and could loose myself in them. I could spent hours, even days, just looking into his eyes...and this eye contact is making me weak. If talking about what flirting method would work on me the best, it definitely would be eye contact. Eyes are the most interesting part in a human body for me and I always thought that eyes are also the most precious part. I always wanted to study how they work and how they connect with the brain. But besides all that, I just love holding eye contact, looking into peoples eyes and reading their personality or faces with that. And all I can see in Heeseung's eyes right now is just..admiration, love and happiness, which is the cutest thing ever but also..god it's making me shy and weak at the same time.

Soft giggles leave his lips.
"You're staring at me, darling"
The corners of my lips curl to a smile.
"I love your eyes..." I whisper. His smile turns into a smirk and he leans closer.
"What? I couldn't hear you, princess" he teases. I laugh and gently hit him.
"Bro stop"

....did I just called him bro? AHAHAHAH OH GOD.

I look at him while being quiet, pressing my lips into a line while laughing. He chuckles, but still looks at me in disbelief.
"Did you just..?" He laughs. I start to giggle.
"I swear I didn't want to- I- It just came out of me" I chuckle.
His jaw clenches and he chuckles.
"I'm sure your bro doesn't kiss you or make you feel good in a sexual way, darling"
I suddenly get all quiet, smile shyly and blush as he said the last part. He laughs at me.
"I love it how I can make you shy so quickly..I just said some little words and you got all red"
"Little words? Babe, you mentioned kissing and..more"
"Come on, sweetheart, you can say it..don't you want to be remembered of last night?"
"Oh, screw you" I say nervously.
He laughs again and strokes my cheek gently with his index finger.

"It's not like I didn't liked it or something, don't get me wrong it's just..I'm shy.."
"I know, baby" he smiles.
We lock our eyes again, his finger still stroking my cheek. His eyes then wander around, scanning everything in my face,
"You're the best thing that ever happened to me.." he whispers very quietly, but I still could hear it, so I smile softly.

Everyone he says complementing words to me, I appreciate it even more than from someone else. Of course I appreciate every compliment I get but I know how Hee struggles with expressing his feelings towards someone he really likes or just in general and every time he really does express those things, I just smile and could start to cry.

We keep smiling at each other until he kissed my forehead. Then he kissed my cheek, then my other cheek and then just started to kiss every mole or freckle he could find and kisses every inch of my face, making me giggle. Then he smiles at me and pecks my lips. Then again..and again, again and then his lips stayed on mine for a bit longer..kissing me gently and so softly. As he pulled away and licks his lips, smiling both also looking a bit confused.
"No matter what..your lips always taste like vanilla" he says.
"Ever heard of lip balm?"
He laughs at my comment and rolls his eyes.
"It's just..they are..delicious.." he says, whispering the last word.
"Hee, stop making me shy"
"Or what, huh? Will you hit me?" He teases with a laugh.
"I hate you" I giggle.
"We both know you love me..now, want to go downstairs? You need to eat something. And you want some coffee. So..let's eat something..drink some coffee...maybe go a bit outside, if you want to stay here of course"
"Of course I want to. And sure let's go downstairs..wanna go to the cafe?"
"Mh..well..I thought maybe I could do breakfast for you today" he smiles. I look at him and laugh.
"I know, I know..I'm not good at cooking, but making some bacon and eggs won't be that hard"

My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now