Chapter 32

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As we stood outside the huge building of the provisional licence test centre, I couldn't help but notice a man who appeared to be quite upfront, he was called Inasa, he looked as if he was too enthusiastic for my liking. Suddenly, my legs started to quiver, I looked just behind Inasa and saw the figure, the oh so familiar figure.

"Amao, didn't realise you would be here." The voice spoke, Uraraka and a couple of my other classmates turned to us. "Go on, address me then, pathetic beast!"

"Sir, Master Genso Akumu." My legs caved in as I fell to my knees, remembering all that had happened to me, at the hands of this boy. My mind was racing, heart pumping fast. My classmates looked at the interaction.

"Genso! Go get changed." One of the other Shiketsu students ordered. "We'll have our moment, settle some unfinished business." He laughed, with malintent.

As I got to my feet my classmates turned to me.

"Amao, who was that?" Jiro asked. I started at his back as he walked off, his palms, the same palms that had slapped me many times.

"The guy who destroyed my life." I breathed heavily.

After getting changed, we gathered in a large hall, with many different trainee heroes. The exam invigilator, Mara began to speak.

"As you all know, the Provisional License Exam is a critical step in your journey to becoming professional heroes. The rules are simple yet stringent: demonstrate your ability to navigate high-pressure scenarios, make split-second decisions, and prioritise the safety of civilians above all else. Whether you're facing off against opponents in combat or engaging in rescue missions, remember that heroism isn't just about power—it's about heart, ingenuity, and unwavering dedication to justice." He spoke, wearily. "For the first part, you will be using balls to hit each other on 3 specific targets placed on your body, 3 red targets and you are out. The person to hit the 3rd target gets the credit for the elimination, eliminate 2 and you will pass. You can use your quirks as much as you like, but just don't go overboard. Only 100 of you will pass, by the way. Good luck."

Suddenly, the ceiling and wall dropped, a large battleground opened up, people started to run. My targets were placed on my left thigh, chest and back of my right hand.

"Stick together everyone!" I began to shake, knowing exactly the outcome of this battle.

"Yeah right!" Bakugo left, Kirishima following behind him. Todoroki leaving too.

"The test begins now!" The robotic intercom voice spoke.

"We have company!" I looked up in the air and saw the entirety of Ketsubutsu above us.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose, Ketsubutsu academy threw their balls towards us. I stood in front, frozen in fear, noticing the twisted face behind the students. It was too late for me to react, I had already been stricken out with one ball.

"Amao!" Tenya pulled me back. "What happened!?"

"Did you not see it!?" I cowered in fear. Looking back, that face had disappeared. I slowly started to stand up.

"It's time to play the game Amao!" I turned to see the same distorted figure. "Because we're friends aren't we?"

Those words, brought back so many traumatic memories and experiences from middle school, I felt ashamed, embarrassed, scared, I traced the scars on my body.

"I... I'm sorry everyone!" I cried as I ran away from the group, tears flooding my vision, still feeling those hands that violated me so many times.

I ran, and ran, I didn't know where I was going. I ran towards something, something big. It looked like a cityscape. I could hide in there, confide in quietness whilst I recuperated my thoughts.

It had been a couple minutes and people were still fighting around me. I just avoided them. That was until I was faced with a lady, she stood in front of me, with long periwinkle hair and remarkably white clothing.

"Hmm, step down ladies." She spoke. Suddenly, a group of girls joined behind her. "Odayaka are you not?"

"T...that's me, yes." I spoke up softly.

"Your outward costume does not reflect the inner turmoil you are in right now." She began to walk towards me, I stepped backwards. "You needn't be afraid."

"How can I trust you?" I snarled, baring my teeth in intimidation.

"We have a proposition to make." She spoke, her breath reeked of tea leaves, her eyes glinted with probability outcomes. Intellect, she smelled of intellect. "My name Is Saiko Intelli, and I want to cut a deal with you."

I was hesitant, but I couldn't leave, the girls had blocked my exit.

"Odayaka, tell me: If I gave you a free elimination, would you tell me intel about your class?" She spoke, I didn't know what to do. Do I choose my friendships? Or my future as a hero? "Take your time, say? Did you want tea?"

"I prefer coffee." I stated. "What information do you want?"

"Who's the strongest female in your class?" She asked, tossing her hair to the side.

"Momo Yaoyorozu. Her quirk allows her to use her stored lipids and create things with them." I blurted out.

"Interesting. Her weakness?" She spoke softly to me.

"She struggles to be confident in her ability to make decisions." I spilled once more. Guilt washed over me, I just wanted to be taken out, end my suffering now.

"Ladies, it looks like I've just found a way to destroy Momo Yaoyourozu!" All of the girls cheered for her arrogance. "As for you Odayaka, I'm a woman of my word. Ladies, the expendable one!"

Suddenly, a girl, unlike the others, was chucked towards me, her face had been covered, only her targets were exposed. Two of those targets had turned red.

"Go on Amao, take the elimination." Saiko instructed, I did as she said and eliminated the girl. I felt so bad.

"I'm sorry." I helped the blindfolded girl up and took the blindfold off of her.

As the group of girls left, I started to run back to where I had left my friends, thinking I could regroup.

"Only 20 spots left!" Mara spoke eagerly, wanting to sleep.

I just managed to get to the open clearing where I had left my friends, I was completely alone. Within seconds my vision was clouded in a thick, dark purple smog. I felt a cold, familiar hand cross me. I started to pant heavily, and then the beep. Both my Left palm and my chest had now been eliminated.

"C'mon Amao, let's play a game!" That cruel voice ran a hand up the left side of my body.

"Please, no more..." I started to cry, falling to my knees.

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