Part 2

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I woke up to sun streaming into my room. That was the first bit of straight sleep I had since who knows how long. It was only about 2 hours. No dreams.

I sat up and walked to my bathroom. I hated it. It was too large, with a grand bath, fit to hold ten. There was also a shower and large mirror.

I showered quickly and dressed in the outfit I set out the night before. Standing in front of the mirror, I quickly brushed mascara, eye liner, and a soft shade of white eyeshadow on. I was so used to putting on makeup that it was almost a second skin of muscle memory.

That was another thing I hated, dressing up.

I blow dried my long, black hair and pulled the top part into a ponytail. My crystal blue eyes stared brightly back.

Leaving the steaming room, I headed back to my bedroom and slipped on my black flats. Unplugging the phone next to my bed, I slipped it into my skirt on the side of my hip. I covered the electronic with the top of my shirt.

I slung my school bag over my shoulder and headed down the four sets of stairs. Everyone else in the house would be asleep, except for Seth, who probably never went to bed.

A new aroma filled my nose as I made my way into the kitchen. To my surprise, Seth had his back to me, a pan sizzling with pancakes. I wasn't hungry, but I wouldn't tell him that. This was a rare occasion.

I sat down at the island in the middle of the kitchen and let my bag slip off of my shoulder and onto the chair next to me.

A plate slid in front of me full of pancakes and fruit. I took the fork offered to me and ate slowly, trying to wake up. When it was empty, I walked to the sink and cleaned it before setting it aside to dry.

School started in an hour.

"I guess it won't hurt being early." I stated to myself.

"That's the good, over achiever I know. Best scoot along if you want to keep that title."

His playfulness set me off. Something was wrong, or he was irritated and he was covering it up.

"See you afterwards." I stated.

I walked out the kitchen door and headed towards the garage. I pulled my keys, and opened my Black 1964 Impala.

The ride to school was long and boring. When I pulled into the school, there were few spots. My nose wrinkled at the sight of the place.

This was it. Time to face the dreaded school year.

I stood up and grabbed my bag before locking my car. As I headed into the school, I noticed the looks, voices, and gossip of everyone. Their eyes burned into my back. I entered the school, my back straight out of habit, and headed for the front office.

The lady was rude and brisk. "Mr. Hendrick's gave you a period for your 'lessons' instead of study hall." I nodded and walked away. I didn't listen to half of what she said. I scoped out the school in my remaining time. Kids had their eyes glued on me and my stomach flipped. I avoided the cafeteria.

These kids were like vaulters. They fed on gossip and sex. They were horrid, barely human. I kept my head up and walked a head, the crowed splitting to whisper to one another. A teacher rounded the corner, stopping in front of me.

"Ah," he stated upon seeing me. "You must be Ms. Peverell. Please, let me show you around."

I didn't want to. I could tell I would despise this man. Something about him unsettled my stomach. I read his name tag. "Good morning Mr. Hendricks. Pleasure meeting you."

"The pleasure's all mine." he stated, leading me around the halls.

The bell rang over our heads as the little monsters ran to class. "Off to your homeroom."

We walked in silence, me following him.

He walked in and headed straight for the teacher's desk. They talked in low whispers. Finally the teacher stood up. "Welcome the new student," she said in a bored voice. "Scarlett Peverell."

I looked on at the students, my face blank. The class was average size and the only open seat was next to a red headed boy.

They class gawked at me as I gracefully sat down, holding in a sigh.

"Welcome to the school Newbie." Red headed boy stated.

I turned to him. "Yay." My voice was sarcastic. "I'm so excited."

He chuckled. "I"m Nathan."



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