Part 13

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"What the fuck is that noise?" North questioned with his eyes. Sang was dozing.

"Yeah, I thought that no one had a music block this period." I stated from my spot on the floor next to Sang.

North agreed. Kota and Victor walked in. Victor asked a question with his eyes. I answered that we didn't know either. He nodded slightly.

"What are you two doing here?" North asked.

"We're having a meeting," Kota said. "Mr. Blackbourne's orders."

Kota continued to talk and I groaned.

Something else was said, I was only hearing about half of it. I mostly heard the soft music playing from next door. Sang didn't seem to notice it.

"No shit," North said, gesturing towards the doors. "There's a fucking con artist for a principal and we're supposed to be figuring out what he's up to. That's it. That's our job here. I'm tired of the games and the horseshit."

I ignored them and waited.

The floor was hurting my back, so I picked myself up and sat in a chair backwards just as everyone else streamed into the room. We each shared a quick and quiet conversation. Despite ourselves, it included the new girl.

Luke: She's being abused. When I bumped into her she flinched and cried out in pain. She didn't notice I took her phone because of the pain. She's been upset, too.

Me: I've notice her flinch. And then during the alarms she nearly looses it each time.

Kota: She seems to be getting more tired as the week grows on.

Luke: I searched her phone, and she messages a person named 'Seth' often. It seems like everything is in code, though. I don't think it's her who's doing the bomb threats.

Victor: Is that her who's playing the violin next door?

Mr. Blackbourne: Yes.

Mr. Blackbourne started the meeting.




I finished the school day with no bomb threats or any difficulties.

Adam came towards me after P.E. when I walked out of the locker room.

"I have a question for you." he started.

I quirked my eyebrow, thinking that he would ask the worst of it. "Oh?"

He put on a goofy grin. "Will you go to the dance with me?"

My heart stopped. It seemed like I couldn't grasp what he said. I was knocked back. "What?" I said lamely.

He chuckled. "Will you accompany me to the dance?"

Warmth filled my heart. "Yes." I blurted out. "Yes, I'd love to."

"Great." he stated. He grasped my hand and pulled it up to his lips, kissing it softly. "I'll see you soon, my princess."

He turned and walked away. I was blushing, a smile on my face. I looked around to see who all noticed the exchange.

Gabe looked at me and winked, making my face turn the color of my name. My head dropped, a smile on my face. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, my head ducked, I walked with a new skip to my step and went home to prepare for the game.

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