Part 29

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Part 29!

I got up around noon. When I began to wander towards the living room, I heard voices from the kitchen.

"Are you sure we can't tell her?" Adam pleaded.

Jaze's anger showed through his tone. "Shut up, will you? If she finds out, she'll hunt that jackass down and kill him herself. Do we need that right now?"

"I promised her I'd find something." Brice said in irritation.

"Well, next time don't promise things you don't know you can uphold."

"She's a ghost!" someone hissed. "There's no file on hold for her."

Someone growled. "Yeah, because he got rid of it. He deleted whatever the world knew about her and made her a porcelain doll."

"So now," The smooth, even voice of Percy started. "We have to chip the paint away from the painted doll so that she can show her real colors."

I walked closer to the kitchen.

I tripped over the corner of the couch and screeched as I dropped to the ground. The boys came rushing into the room, and I just laid on the floor.

"What are you doing in here?" Adam's playful tone questioned.

"Oh, you know, just hugging the floor," I stated.

"Oh, is that so?" Brice questioned with amusement.

"It can get lonely, too, you know."

"Then why are you crying?" Mikel asked.

"It's very emotional." I sniffled. "Besides, what is this? Gang up on the emotional girl day?"

"Just including you as part of the group."

I was pulled to my feet. In spite of myself, I was smiling.

"Are you hungry?" I looked into the dark blue eyes of Grant. His lips curled in an accent that sent my heart feathering.

"Um." Did I forget how to talk? "No. No thank you."

His face lit up into a glorious smile. "Alright. Tell us if you are."

I nodded, and part of me untangled into thousands of knots.

"So, have any plans today?" I questioned.

"We can take you shopping or get a bite to eat. We can do whatever you want."

"Oh," This seemed awkward. "I don't know what I want to do."

"How about we get you some clothes." Percy suggested.

"Fine by me."


We went to the mall, and they had me try on store after store after store.

As we moved on to the next I sighed. "Ugh, I hate shopping."

"I never thought I'd hear a girl say that." Adam teased. I shrugged.

"I'm not just any girl."

"No way in hell's name are you just any girl." Mikel grunted.

"Can we be done now? We've gone to like fifty stores."

Jaze wrapped me around the shoulders. "I like your thinking. Let's go mug a baby and steal their candy."

"You're crazy."

"No, I'm creatively insane."

"You can say that again," I giggled.

"How about we get something to eat now." Grant suggested.

We went to some restaurant. They asked me what I wanted. It was strange, having my own opinion.

"Well, then why don't you try the cherry-vanilla smoothie?" Brice said. "And then take the chicken Parmesan for your entree?"

"I'll take that."

Grant glanced at me. "You don't have to take what he's suggesting you."

"Well." I started. "I'm not exactly used to choosing my own things."

"Don't worry, we'll crack you out of that case." Jaze kicked my foot under the table, winking at me.

I couldn't help thinking that his head wasn't screwed on all the way.

We went back to the apartment. Grant and Mikel had to go somewhere. Jaze wanted to catch some sleep.

I yawned. "I think I need a nap."

"Well, my bed's always open." Adam said, winking.

"So's mine." Brice added.

"Can I borrow someone's shirt again? We didn't really grab any sleep wear."

"Me!" the two boys said, practically racing to their rooms. They pushed and jumped over each other in a race.

Percy smiled softly at me, his eyes seriously calm, making my heart speed up.

"It's been a long time since I've seen them go so crazy like that." His voice said evenly. "You're bringing the life back to them."

"I didn't do anything."

He shook his head. "You smiled towards them. You gave them a chance."

"And what about you?" I questioned.

"Well," he stepped closer to me. His hand slid from my shoulder down to my wrist. "You crashed into my life." His lips quirked to the side. "And you captured something that I never knew existed."

Percy stepped back as the two raced back like baboons, carrying a shirt each.

"You're embarrassing yourselves," Percy stated.

"So?" Adam stated. "Guys act crazy when they're around pretty girls."

"Which shirt do you want?" Brice asked, winking at me.

Percy smirked. He pulled his shirt over his head and offered it to me. Blushing, I took his shirt and watched the other two pout.

"No fair." Adam said, sticking his lip out farther.

"Life's not fair." Percy stated.

Laughing, I skipped down the hall and went to Brice's room. I dressed in the shirt that smelled distinctively of brewed coffee. Brice's room was too bright, his shades too thin.

I crossed the hall and entered Adam's room. It was dark and I curled in his bed. The smell of Almond surrounded me in his blankets. I relaxed and started to slip into sleep.

"Can I join you with your nap?" someone asked.

I was too far deep, so I nodded.

I felt the heat from the guy as he climbed under the covers with me. My eyes closed.

His hand held mine tightly as I breathed in Pine Trees.

What beautiful smell they all had, too.

Adam n almond, Brice n pine trees, Mikel n fall , Percy n brewed coffee, Jaze n rainstorms, and Grant n the ocean. 


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