Part 6

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Part 6a!

World history was boring, and before I knew it, I was off to my next class.

My next class was also a class I only got because of my last name. Seth demanded that he made me take Japanese.

When I walked into the room, I was met with a surprised look that matched my own.

"I thought you said you were a doctor." I stated, looking at Dr. Green.

He smirked at me. "I am."

"And a teacher?"

"Shhhh." his finger went up to his lip. "I'm super smart, but don't tell anyone."

I giggled. "Anyways, here's my paper saying I'm in your class."

He nodded. "Have you taken any foreign language before?"

"Yes, I'm fluent in French and Latin."

He whistled, "That's amazing. Can I ask you why you've decided to take Japanese?"

I shrugged lightly. "I didn't have a choice, my brother chose it for me."

Dr. Green smiled. "Well, have a seat. I recommend you sit close to our star students in this class. If you have any questions, make sure you ask."

"Ok, thank you."

He pointed to a seat, and it was close to Sang and another boy.

The class went on and I took many notes. The end of the day was closing, and I only had P.E. left.

My teacher, Mrs. French, gave me a locker number and combo. I looked into the bag I had packed for me full of my P.E clothes.

My face scrunched up. There were short black shorts and a grey skin tight shirt.

I dressed quickly, and noticed that a lot of the girl's had the same outfit as mine, only a little less modest.

When we began to warm up, I noticed, once again Sang, and then also two boys from earlier. Nathan and Gabe were staring across the gym at the girls.

Looking straight at them, I noticed that it was actually just me they were staring at. Gabe's crystal eyes pierced mine in question. It sent my stomach rolling. It was as if he could see the fading scars on my legs.

Swallowing, I looked away and continued warm up. After warm ups we did a few volleyball activities. I found out that I wasn't bad at it.

The whole class I felt eyes burning into my back.

When we headed back into the locker rooms, I dressed quickly and put a lock on my locker for gym.

The bell rang and relief rushed through me.

I ran to my car and slid behind the wheel. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

An exhilaration raced through me, and I relaxed immediately.

I went home slowly, taking the long paths, clearing my head.

After the day I had, I did not want to face that man....

!!!!Sneak Peak!!!!

I didn't trust her. I had sent Mr. Morgan an order to search her. There was nothing, no birth certificate, ID, nothing. Her name only brought up pictures of a stranger on stage, a violin perched in the crook of her neck.

Then her father, or the man that claimed to be her father, was a testy man.

The boys needed to watch her for anything strange. Her schedule contains a class with each of my boys at least once.

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