Part 27

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Part 27!

"The truth about what?" she asked softly.

"I know who's been tracking you, and who's been working with him."

Why did it feel like I was going to cry?


"Sang." I took a deep breath and met her eyes. "I was the one who placed the masks at Tissu Deux and I also heard what 'Volto' said to you on the mic. I know who he is."

She stumbled back. "What?"

"I know." I said in panic. "I didn't know what he was doing. I was stupid and naive. All I knew was what my brother said. He's been manipulating me just as much as you, and it can all be over tonight."

"Why do you want to help me?" she asked.

I fell back against the wall. "All I want to do is help. I thought I had been helping this whole time, but I was doing more wrong than right. I'm sorry."

I felt a small hand on my shoulder and looked into her emerald eyes. She smiled softly and pulled her hand back, as if this was as new to her as it was to me. "I believe you. You're forgiven."

A weight lifted off of my shoulders. I opened the door and let her walk in. I followed.


It was dark.

Luke, Brice, and I climbed the side of what I once called a home. I was practically strapped to them. There was barely any wind. We made it to my room. I was the first one to climb in. Luke and Brice dropped into my window afterwards.

I looked around the room. It was still. Seth hadn't been here since. I walked to my bed and pushed it as hard as I could till it moved over. Knocking on the floor boards with my toe, I found the loose board.

I peeled away the boards and found the tiny box. Pulling it out, I blew away the dust covering it.

Patting away the rest of the grime, I opened it and pulled out the computer cards.

I walked to the door and listened for any activity. Nodding to the boys, I led the way to the computer room. I opened the door leading to the conference room and shuffled the boys in quietly before going to the computer room.

I closed the door, locked it, and raced for the desk.

"Whoa," Luke whispered. "This looks like Victor's room. The only thing is it isn't as crowded with electronic junk and more feminine.

I slid into the chair and hit the little button on the inside of my right drawer. The monitor slid up and I flipped the keyboard slot open.

Tapping in, I pulled out a jump drive. I stuffed it into the slot, downloaded everything of importance, pulled it out and checked to make sure it worked on the laptop. I then took the chip, plugged it in, and watched as everything I knew disappeared. I let everything sink back to where it went.

I put the jump drive around the necklace I had on.

I stood up. "That's everything."

"Wow, you're faster than Vic."

I rolled my eyes. "Let's get out of here."

Brice took my hand and smiled at me. "I'm proud of you."

I was about to ask why when I heard a door slam shut.

Creeping ahead of the boys, I slipped to the other room. It was empty. A note was taped to the door.

Meet me on Willow Creek Bridge if you dare finish this. Wednesday. Midnight


"It's okay, boys. He's not in here."

The two skirted out of my computer room. I grabbed the note and stuffed it into my pocket.

"We were told to pack a bag for you." Brice said. "Let's get some things before we go."

I was already holding onto the laptop.


I had grabbed my shoulder bag and jammed as much clothes as I could into it. I grabbed a tiny jewelry box, and my wallet that held cash and credit cards. I also grabbed my keys.

Now, I was sitting behind the wheel of my Impala with Brice next to me and Luke in the back.

I smiled.

Wednesday was closer and I'd finally be done.

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