Part 5

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After I handed the teacher the note, I plopped hard into the open seat. The only person I recognized was Sang, who was across the room from me, and there were two guys, a big scary looking one and one that was vaguely familiar. It was almost like he was dressed in a perfection, like the people from around my neighborhood. I couldn't tell if I'd like him. I bet his personality and mine would clash together, and that we'd butt heads.

As if he could feel me thinking about him, scary dude turned to look at me. His eyes narrowed, and I raised my eyebrow in challenge. Did he just growl?

As Mr. Morris began to talk, I turned away from the stare down and sat straight, my legs lightly folded under my desk.

I ended up sketching doodles on a notebook as Mr. Morris droned on. I already knew everything that he talked about.

When the bell rang, a surge of dread flooded me. I walked out to the cafeteria, and it was crowded. Everyone starved here.

I rolled my eyes and walked out to the courtyard. Immediately, my eyes were drawn to a group. There, in the middle, was Sang. There were also seven guys including Kota, Luke, and Gabe. Scary dude and the familiar one were there too.

I turned and walked to a bench seated below a tree. Pulling out my phone, I messaged Seth.

Me: It's lunch break.

In seconds, my phone binged. Seth: You're not eating, are you?

He knew the answer before I had to type it.

Me: No.

Seth: Good, I need you to do a job for me.

He was going to have me do a piece of his bidding's, again.

Seth: I need you to take one of the special effects and place it on video RdX

I easily decoded the message. He wanted me to place a tracker on the vehicle I pinned earlier this morning. We had special words for these kind of things in case our phone messages were intercepted or stolen. This isn't my first rodeo.

I stood up and headed for the parking lot in search of the run down blue truck. From my bag, I pulled out a small, circular tracking device chip the size of a golf ball.

Even with the lot crowded, I saw the target in little to no time. I checked to make sure no person was in the near vicinity before plopping down onto my knees by one of the tires. The concrete bit into my knees, and I held back a grunt of pain and blinked away tears. It was a bad day to wear a skirt. As I bent over to place the disk on the rim of the tire, I heard footsteps walking closer.

Thinking quickly, I pressed the patch onto the back, so no one could see unless they climbed under to take a look, and chucked my keys under the vehicle. A voice spoke playfully.

"Well, what do we have here? A girl climbing under the car to catch a ride home with me? I'm sad to inform you that it's the wrong car."

I sat back on my hunches and looked at the man in a suit jacket and khaki shorts. He was smiling at me, his sandy blonde hair being tickled by the soft breeze.

"Sorry to disappoint," I started casually, but red lights went off somewhere in my head, "But I'm just fetching my keys."

He quirked his eyebrows at me. "Oh? And how exactly did they end up under this unsuspecting vehicle."

I forced myself to think of something embarrassing so my face would flush. "I tripped and they went flying."

"Well," he started. "No lady in a skirt should be climbing under vehicles. Do you know what one of those little hellions will do if they see you like this." He offered me his hand. "Allow me."

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