Part 10

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Today there were three bomb threats called in. I was irritated, and almost planned on just not going to school Wednesday.

Every time the threats happened, and the bells started ringing, and the lights flashed, I would feel the tingling in my arm, and a panic swept over me.

I wasn't scared of the threat itself. I was afraid of having a seizure in front of the school. The only person that knows that I have a case of epilepsy is Seth and the person who prescribed it.

Seth contacted me when I was ready to leave, as the school had started to call class off because of the third bomb threat. He wanted me to do something that I hated.

I had to go get fitted for an outfit.

It was strange to me that I would be heading back to the place where I had done a mission. As I was driving, I rang up the boutique.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Alison, it's great to hear your voice!" I stated.

She squealed. "Scarlett, how are you? It's been too long."

I held in a sigh. "The norm. Hey, do you think Gretta can get me in today for a fitting?"

I heard the cheery girl giggle. "You are in luck. Gretta is open for most of the day. If you come down now, You can get fitted and your outfit will be made before Friday."

"Great!" I said with a fake chirp in my voice. "I'll see you soon."

"Finally, honestly it has been too long."

"I know, a whole month."

I cut the line off as I pulled into the parking garage again. I walked briskly, my back straight and a fake smile plastered onto my face.

When I made it into Gretta's boutique, Alison squealed from behind the desk and ran up to me.

Grabbing my shoulders, she air kissed each cheek. "Oh, you look pretty today. But, we are here to make you look stunning!"

Gretta walked out. "I knew it was you by how Alison squealed."

I smiled. "Yes. I was here to get fitted for a masquerade dance. Is that possible?"

"Of course." she said. "It's funny though, I just had another group in the other day for the same exact reason."

"Really?" i asked with a fake interest. The lady smiled.

She nodded. "Let's get started."

"Yay." I murmured half heartedly.

In the back, Gretta began to walk around me.

"I'm thinking that we'll go with something in white, to compliment your hair." she said. She knew that I had no opinion with the specifics.

She continued. "It has to be short. We could dress you like a fairy."

My eyes widened "No way." I was shaking my head.

Her lips twisted. "Perhaps in a queen, or princess?"

"I don't like the idea of that." I stated.

Her face lit up. "I've got it!"

​"What?" I asked apprehensively

"Black and white. I'm thinking like a yin yang, marbled. To show your 'dark' side and your 'light' side."

I smiled. "I like it."

Gretta began at once. She brought in dress style after dress style. Most of them made me cringe. Most were immodest.

Then one caught my eye.

"I really like this top. Can we do this with a different skirt?" It had a pencil skirt, but that wasn't 'me'.

"Yes, finally, some sort of break through." Gretta said. "Actually, I might know the perfect skirt part for you."

She called for Alison to come back. She came into the room, and I was dressed in the pufy green dress. They whispered together before Alison smiled and hurried back to get the desired dress.

Alison came back with a ruffly skirt. My lip curled. "I don't think so..."

"Oh, try it on!" Alison pleaded with her brown, puppy dog eyes. I crumbled a little.


I slid out of the dress and into the skirt. Alison and Gretta shared a look with a conspiring grin.

"Well, what do you think?"

Looking in the mirror, I smiled. The skirt was light, and it looked really well. "Okay, perhaps this is the one."

"I knew it!" Gretta said.

The three of us giggled.

"Let's get you out of that and set up your order. Alison, can you pull out the shoe selection for Scarlett?"

Alison scurried out of the room. Gretta had been sketching out the blue prints for the dress. When Alison returned with paper that was laminated, I was dressed.

We chose a simple black heels. By then, Gretta was putting the final touches to the sketch.

"Here, look at this."

I agreed to it.

She smiled. "It will be done Thursday night, i believe."

I nodded. Our meeting was over.

While I was walking out, Alison came running to me. "Scarlett, wait!"

I stopped to look at her. "Yes?"

"I want you to accompany me to the spa." she said.


Alison rolled her eyes. "We went to the same Private school, and knowing you, i bet you don't have any friends. I know makeup and fashion, and you need a stylist. We'll prep you up for the masquerade. And..." she smirked, curling her finger at me. I rolled my eyes and stepped closer. "I have the perfect mask for you." she whispered.

I stepped back and laughed outright.

"Fine, I'll join you. Do you still have my number?"

"Of course I do." she said.

I said goodbye and was well on my way home.

That was exhausting

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