Part 26

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Part 26!

"I'm the one that needs to tell Sang." I stated as the room was filled with a silence that had me hearing bells.

"I don't think that is a good idea, Ms. Peverell." Mr. Blackbourne stated, pushing his glasses up.

I stood from the spinney chair. "I don't think you understand how hard it was for me to state this, not to mention, in front of a group of strangers nonetheless. I do not take orders from you. I can be the one who makes or breaks this mission. I am taking down that monster one way or another. Who do you think taught him how to cut into your mic? I have many skills with such matters, and I will do this with or without you. Pick your poison, Mr. Blackbourne."

He walked closer to me, staring me down. His gaze reminded me of Seth's, but I held my ground.

"You are not in any way, shape, or form to threaten me or my team Ms. Peverell."

"Stop calling me that." I hissed. "I don't know who I am, or what I'm supposed to do. All I know is how to finish the project that I was so foolishly put into. Seth is dangerous, more dangerous than anyone else knows. He's a ticking time bomb."

"Than let us help you."

"I think it's something I have to face alone."

A hand dropped onto my shoulder, and I looked into the calm eyes of Percy. Brice held my hand.

"You aren't ever going to be alone again." Adam stated.

"I just want to finish this."

"Where do we start?" Sean asked.

"No. If you guys go on this, Sang will get hurt."

"We need a meeting. Mr. Morgan's is the biggest place."

"No," I practically shouted. "No, Seth lives next door to the Morgan's."

"Okay. New plan. We'll go to Sean's condo."

"Now," I said. "We have to get this done as fast as we can."

"Why?" someone asked.

"The sooner, the better. The longer we wait, the easier it is for Seth to log into my security system."

"What will happen if he does log into your security system?"

"All hell will break loose." I said plainly.

"Be more specific."

"Let's just say, he'll know more about your lives than you." I swallowed. "And he'll have what it takes to destroy your lives."

"We'll have the meeting here, now." Mr. Blackbourne said. "I'm calling my men here."

"And Sang," Grant said.

I stepped outside for a moment's breath. The boys nodded in understanding.

My head rested against the wall, my eyes falling closed.

Loud, heavy footsteps fell closer and closer to the door. It opened and closed.

This happened for a few more times before I heard light, soft footsteps and whispers. Two voices: a girl's and a boy's.

"Don't worry, aggele. Everything is fine."

"If you say so." she whispered.

I opened my eyes and turned to look at the two walking closer. I glanced at the big guy and looked to the smaller girl. Looking closer, I noticed that she looked a lot like myself. She was probably a bit smaller, with blonde hair and green eyes.


She looked at me with a soft gaze.

"Scarlett, right?"

"Yeah," I whispered. My nerves picked up. "I need to talk to you."

Silas seemed to tense up. "Calm it." I said to him. I turned back to Sang. "I need to talk to you, alone."

"It's okay, Silas." she said, pressing her hand into her neck. "I trust her."

"Everyone else is in the room."

He nodded and opened the door. It shut, leaving us alone.

"Sang. I need to tell you the truth."

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