Part 9

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I went to school like usual on Monday after staying up the whole night trying to find that car.

Seth was in a bad mood when I got back, complaining that someone had stolen the car that I put a tracking device on. He wanted me to search for it and find it.

When I walked into the classroom that Nathan also occupied, I dropped heavily into my chair.

"Morning." he stated.

I grumbled a "it's too early." and dropped my head in my arms.

"Well, aren't you a little ray of sunshine?" he stated after laughing.

I lifted my head and looked at him, a small smirk on my face.

"How much sleep did you get anyways."

"Ugh," i stated. "I don't even know."

"Less than 5 hours?"

"Yeah. Closer to 3 hours. And that's after waking up, sleeping, and waking up again."

"Well, it seems like someone could use some sleep."

"Just a little." I laughed.

The alarm went off. A bomb threat? But school hadn't even started.

"Are you following me?" Nathan asked.


We stood up and he lead the way out of school.

The alarm started to send tremors down my spine. Nathan took notice of it. I froze in my spot to cover my ears. Each ring had me flinching.

Nathan stopped and turned to look at me.

I had to close my eyes, and i was flinching harder. My arm began to tremble.

A hand wrapped around my arm as I was pulled further. I stumbled behind as he lead me out.

It was getting harder to breath.

Finally, we burst into the open air, and my legs began to give out.

"Come on," Nathan's voice coaxed. "We're almost there."

I could feel the tears running down my face.

"You can sit down now." Nathan said. I let my legs give in. Dropping down, someone helped lower me to the ground. My hands cupped my ears and shadowed my eyes. Rocking back and forth, I began to relax.

When everything felt normal, I looked up. Adam was crouching in front of me. Nathan and him exchanged a few words before Nathan gave me a sympathetic smile and scurried away.

Adam placed a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay sweetie?" I sucked in a breath, part of me wanting to jump away, the other wanting to lean closer.

I just nodded.

"Can I help you up?"

I swallowed and nodded again.

He offered me a hand and pulled me up. It felt like I could breath.

"Are you alright?" His blue eyes were concerned.

I couldn't help but laugh shakily as I wiped away tears.

By the time we went back to class, I was better, and Adam had me laughing.

When I headed to another class, I believe World History, the alarm went off again.

I sucked in a breath and hurried out of the school, trying not to let the lights, chaos, and ringing get to me. I felt the licks of tingles shooting through my arm.

When I did get outside, I rushed towards my car. I was having troubles jabbing my keys into the lock. I slid into the seat, leaning my head against my hands and breathing in.

I began the car, and went home.

I was done with school for the day.

I couldn't handle it.

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