Part 8

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Part 8!

The week passed quietly. It set me on edge.

I also hadn't seen or talked to Seth since Monday.

After I went racing in the dark grey Infiniti g37, everything just seemed to turn ordinary. And ordinary wasn't normal for me.

Today was Saturday, and I spent my morning reading a book.

There was sharp knock on my door. Before I could move, Seth walked in.

"I have a mission for you."

I stood up and nodded, waiting for him to explain.

"Put this in your ear."

I took the earpiece and fastened it into my ear. I used my hair and covered up my ears.

"Testing," he whispered into his microphone. I nodded.

"Good. Now, I need you to plant my mark." He said.

I grabbed an irreversible jacket and sun glasses. I also grabbed a beanie. I threw on a pair of converses. I slid gloves onto my hands.

He nodded in approval.

"Go to down town and to that boutique Dad takes you to."

"He's not my father," I stated.

Seth narrowed his eyes at me. He meant business.

I quickly raced down the stairs and to the parking garage.

My stomach clenched as I heard the rattling of what was in the trunk. Perhaps it was simply my imagination?

I parked a ways from my destination and in the parking garage. Pulling to a stop, I popped open the trunk and grabbed the purse Seth had placed in there. Breathing out slowly, I plastered a fake smile onto my face. I locked the car and began towards my target. Immediately, I spotted the group as they by-passed a little kid and entered the lower part of a building.

Smooth voices filled the store as I rounded the edges, looking at the cases.

"Still," a smooth voice said. "If there isn't anything of interest here..."

"Perhaps I could show you-" the salesman said.

The room silenced, and I had my back to them. I recognized the next voice. "It isn't about me today, anyway. Let me show you this one shop across the way. I heard they have some new fashions from Paris. You have to pick the clothes before you pick the jewelry to got with it. Right, Gabriel?"

I froze, trying to act natural.

"Right-o." Gabriel's voice rang out. The door clattered shut behind them.

"What do you need?" the salesman snarled as I turned around.

"Tell him who you are," Seth's voice said softly in my ear.

"Do you know who you are talking to?" I questioned, my voice even and flat. My face was emotionless.

"Oh please, I bet you're some really known rich kid, that gets whatever they want when they pout."

I was holding in my irritation, "My father is Mark Peverell." I stated blandly.

His shocked face continued to grow. "Oh, I didn't-"

I lifted my hand. "I just heard you weren't selling tanzanite." I stated. "And not to mention the rude way you treated your other customers. I'm not interested anymore."

I turned and walked briskly out of the door.

"Good job." Seth's voice said softly. "Follow them."

They walked into the boutique and I followed behind them. They headed through the hall of shops, the building opening up into an elegant black and white titled center space with two winding staircases going up to a second level, a large chandelier hanging down between the staircases. It was nearly silent.

I watched as the group of six made their way up the stairs. I stayed far enough behind that they wouldn't notice.

They made their way into the Tissu Deux.

I waited outside the store on the other side of the door and hall, so that they wouldn't pass me, perching where I could see them and where they wouldn't notice someone watching.

All of the boys sat down at the seating area except for Gabriel, who was conversing with Gretta and Sang.

The three disappeared down the dressing hall. I waited.

"I want you to put the masks on all of the mannequins when all of them are in the back. I want you to give them the warning. Do not be seen." He instructed. I let my hands slide into the bag by my side. My fingers were met with smooth plastic. I retracted my hand as quick as I could, panic engulfing my insides.

They were replica masks.

"And then," Seth's voice said, "I want you to place one at the far end entrance."

He sounded so sure of himself.

I watched as Sang stumbled out, dressed in a stunning ball gown for what I assumed was for the dance on Friday night. A mask covered her face. She clung onto Gabriel.

Two of the boys took pictures of her. Then they all swarmed her, criticizing her.

After that, I watched Gabriel and Sang saunter off into the back. Who I assumed was Mr. Blackbourne followed Gretta.

Sang and Mr. Blackbourne both appeared sooner rather than later, and left, walking the way they came.

A few minutes, or maybe seconds, the others went into the back. I quickly walked into the store, pulling out the white masks. I didn't dare look them in the eye as I placed them on every single mannequin. I raced, because any minute another boy could be walking out.

When I placed the final mask on the last manikin, I could hear feet thumping down the hall. I raced for the door, changing my jacket and slipping shades on, pulling on the beanie. I walked out, glanced behind just to notice Gabriel walk out and freeze.

"Hurry before he can alert the others," Seth said.

I briskly walked to the entrance of the mall where the group had entered. Something caught my eye, and I noticed Dr. Green in a store. He was pointing at an outfit, talking to Sang. My face scrunched up.

Shaking my head, I rushed faster than I originally thought I could. Near the bottom of the stairs, a voice rang. I could tell it was Kota's, and he was letting the people with Sang what was going on.

I practically ran to the door. When I got there, I set down the final mask and walked away.

The white mask was burned in my brain, and panic flipped my heart.

The door opened, and I heard a soft, scared voice. "Is it... him?"

Dr. Green answered her. "I'm not waiting around to find out. It's Halloween. It could be anything. Let's not take any chances, though."

I breathed out slowly as I rounded the corner and breathed better. I slowed my walk, my hands stuffed in my pocket, and made my way to the Impala.

When I slid behind the wheel into the leather seat, I heard Seth on the opposite end. "Shit..." he breathed out. "Things just got a whole lot harder this coming up week. Be prepared."

I heard a small click, and knew that he disconnected.

Just fantastic.

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