Part 7

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Part 7a!

I woke up harshly, panting and staring up at the ceiling. I immediately knew this wasn't my bed. Panic flashed through me almost as violently as the seizure had.

Swallowing, I rolled over.

Seth was staring at me from the seat I had been in earlier. My throat was on fire, and it felt like I was about to shout.

Instead, my voice came out as a soft whisper. "Water please?"

He nodded and crossed his room towards a mini fridge. He pulled out a bottled water, opened it, and walked to my side. He helped me sit up.

The cold water soothed my throat. He pulled the bottle away, capped it, and pressed it into my hand.

"It's... scaring," Seth started finally. "How relaxed your face is when you sleep."

I sat there, emotionless. A cloud fogged my brain.

"And, I do believe that is the longest you have slept all month as well." he stated in his mysterious voice.

I was still tired, yet rejuvenated. I yawned.

"Are you better?" he said.

I took another swig of the water. "I think so."

Looking down at the bracelet from the hospital a while back, I saw that it read 3:08 minutes. That's how long my seizure had been. The hospital had crafted bracelets that could signify when a seizure started, and when it ended. They were very useful. I traded the metal bracelet in the design of vines every 6 months.

I stood up, my legs shaking. I got up on weak legs and started for the door.

"Scarlett," he said. I halted. "I have a plan for you. You will have to listen to every word and command I say in order to keep the both of us safe."

I looked into his eyes. "Of course I will Seth."

Glancing behind me one last time, I felt his eyes following my every move, a white mask in his hands. Confusion swept over me in multiple stages. Why had he helped me, or laid me in his bed? What was he planning for a mission? And why did that mask freak me out so much?

Somehow I managed to get up to my room, the water clenched in between my hands. When the door shut behind me slowly, I sank into my bed. Something crossed me wrong.

Seth had been helping me, but he was emotionless, too emotionless.

He went cold when my brain attacked my body. The epileptic seizure had turned him rigid. He practically glared at me.

And a sense of panic flushed my skin. He spoke as if this new mission may be harder, more treacherous.

Weariness sunk in and I fell back asleep, no dreams haunting my mind.




I woke up in a daze.

At least I thought I was awake. I wasn't so sure.

Light was streaming in through the windows. I sat up and headed towards the shower, pulling out an outfit as I went.

In the mirror, I noticed my hair sticking up and creased with sleep. My face seemed to have slightly more color than before, and strangely, there were no black streaks under my eyes.

I hopped into the shower, turning it cold to help wake me up. It soothed my burning skin. My muscles were sore and strained.

Pulling myself out of the shower, I dressed quickly, contained my wild bed hair, and plastered a thin layer of makeup on.

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