Part 3

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I didn't talk much to Nathan. He was distracted by his phone.

My phone buzzed against my hip. I pulled it out and looked at the screen.

My heart fluttered in panic.

Seth: Text me when you are on Lunch hour.

The bell rang above me and a flare of irritation raced through my blood. Wasn't this his idea anyways? Joining Ashley Waters for my punishment? Now I understood, he wanted me to do business for him.

I raced from the room and headed for my AP English class. My strides were fast as I tried to get ahead of the monsters flowing into the halls. The halls crowded and moved at a crawl. I growled in frustration.

Finally, I somehow managed to get to my class. The room was mostly full, too. I walked up to Ms. Johnson, the teacher of the class, and handed her the slip of paper explaining I was a new student. Her gaze came out harshly as she glared at me over her glasses. Her small lips pinched together.

The bell rang as the last bit of students came in and sat down.

"Welcome our new student," she said "Scarlett Peverell."

There were only two seats open, one next to a kid leering towards me, and one next to a couple of people finely dressed with respectful looks. A boy with black rimmed glasses nodded in approval and my lips tugged up a bit as I made my way towards them. I sat down. A girl with golden hair looked at me shyly, her face flushing as I glanced her over. She seemed nice.

"Oy," the boy behind me whispered. "Where'd you get your outfit?"

I turned slightly to stare at him as the teacher droned on. "A tiny boutique downtown." I said back. The boy with glasses looked at crystal eyes with disdain. He seemed like a leader.

"It's fucking gorgeous with your hair." He said

I blushed and looked back down at my hands as Ms. Johnson continued to talk.

When the bell was close to ringing when she said we could talk among ourselves. The boy in glasses turned to me. "I'm Kota, and that's Gabe. She's Sang, and he's Luke." I noticed blondie with his long locks pulled back into a clip.

I shook his hand with mine. His hands were surprisingly soft... "I'm Scarlett."

The bell rang and I grabbed my back before quickly walking out of the room. I did not need friends.

I had Calculus next, which was on the bottom floor. When I finally did make it into the room, the bell was ringing above my head. I was panting slightly. Ms. Tinnel looked at me as I handed her the note from Mr. Hendricks.

She smiled at me. "Welcome our new student. Why don't you partner up with Kota?"

Looking around the room, there were only five students. Kota was sitting by himself at the table in the front. He smiled at me warmly. Part of my stomach flipped.

I slid into the seat next to him. "So, you're some smarty pants?" I stated lightly.

He chuckled and nudged me. "And so are you."

We worked on a few problems before class was over. I felt strange. It was different going here. At the private school, I had people who I could work with, but we never got together to hang out.

My next class was my lessons. I raced out to my vehicle to grab my violin case.

Before I made it back into the building, the bell had already rung.

Music room C was empty.

Good, just what I needed, free time to clear my head.

Opening up the case, I prepared the intricate instrument.

Closing my eyes, I began to softly play.


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