Part 21

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"Why the hell would you go back there?" Adam raged.

"It's my home."

"You said it yourself, it's not home to you." Mikel stated.

"If I don't go back now, I'll get in trouble."

I looked down at the floor.

"i'll take you." someone mumbled. "Get your things."

"We'll get you a spare phone just in case you get in a jam." Adam said.


"Because we want to help." Brice stated.

"I'll come with you too, if you want Red."

"I'd like that."

"I can't," Mikel said. "I have to go talk to Corey." the three glanced at each other.

Adam grabbed my dress and I grabbed the heels. "Oh," I started, looking down at the outfit I was wearing. I had on Brice's shirt, Adam's shorts, and my new necklace. "You don't mind me wearing this home, do you?"

"Of course not. In fact, you should wear my shirt more often." Brice stated, giving me another look over.

I felt awkward standing in the elevator between the two. They chatted as I stood there.

We walked out into the parking lot. Brice stopped. "Why aren't you wearing any shoes?"

"Oh, you know," I lifted the heels up. "I prefer going barefoot. That's just the kind of person I am."

They laughed. "So, do you want to sit up front with me?" Adam asked. I was about to say yes when Brice spoke.

"Oh, that's not fair. I want to sit with you."

"How about I sit in the back and you two can cuddle in the front seat. Problem solved."

"We could drive the truck." Adam suggested. Brice and Adam shared an evil glance.

Adam swooped me over his shoulder and practically skipped to a brown car.

I was giggling. Brice opened a door and Adam dropped me into the seat. They were on either side of me before I could blink.

My laugh caught in my throat. I now understood why they wanted to sit in the truck. There was barely any space. My legs were touching both of theirs. My face flushed.

"See," Adam started. "Isn't she so cute when she's red?"

Brice looked me over. "Definitely."

The drive was awkward for me because they spoke over my head. I didn't know what to say.

Adam pulled into an electronic shop. He jumped out and headed inside.

He popped in and out, carrying a brown bag. He slid behind the wheel, handing the bag over to me.

I grabbed the phone box that was inside and opened it. My heart stopped as I pulled the silver phone from its confines.

"You didn't have to," I whispered.

"It was no big deal." Adam said.

My voice was soft. "You got me the most expensive phone that was in that shop."

"So?" Brice said. "Just say thank you."


His sharp eyes pierced me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He said. "Just be prepared for us to go over the top in the future."

"Why did you get me such an expensive phone if it was backup?"

Adam shrugged. "You deserve something good."

Brice ripped it from my fingers and I watched him punch buttons. He handed it back a few minutes later.

"There, now you have our three numbers." They shared a glance over my head. "Call us if you ever need anything."

Adam patted my knee, and his hand stayed there. At the same time, Brice's arm wrapped my shoulder.

My heart pounded.

Adam drove me to my house.

When he parked in the front, I just sat there for a moment.

"Well, this is it for now." Adam said.

"Yeah, I guess so." I stated. Brice and Adam both climbed out of the truck.

I climbed out after them. Adam hugged me first. It was a strong hug. He kissed my forehead before drawing back.

Brice held me, too. He lifted my head and stared into my eyes. "Be safe, Scarlett."

"Call us if anything, anything happens." Adam said.


"Promise." Brice urged.

My voice was softer. "I'll call."

"Promise us, Scarlett." Adam said fiercely.

I gave in. "I promise to call you if anything happens."

I was handed my dress and heels.

"Be safe."

I nodded. Turning, I climbed into my house.

When the door shut behind me, I climbed the stairs.

When I was in my room, my heart stopped.

"Where have you been?"

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