Part 22

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There's some language and harshness in this update, just a forewarning.



He stood up from the bed and began to walk around me, like a predator stalking his pray.

"Hello little sister." he said in a light tone. It was gone,though, as he went on. "Where did you go last night?"

His voice was dark and low.


"I said," he stopped behind me. I could feel his breath tickling the back of my head. "Where. Were. You." He practically growled. His voice was ireful.

"At a friend's." I stated quickly. "I went home with Alison because she had a dress malfunction."

He rounded and stared me in the eye. One of his eyebrows were raised slightly. "You're a horrible liar, Scar." His voice was empty and monotone. "That's not the perfume she wears that's lingering on your skin."

My heart started to pound in my ears.

"Who's clothes are you wearing?" he asked.

I tried to speak. My mouth opened and closed, but no words came to mind.

"So, are you slutting around then?" he said it so simply, and yet so powerfully, it had me stumbling back.

"You are, aren't you?" He chuckled lowly, looking down at his feet. His eyes rose slowly. It scared me.

"Of course. I always expected you to end up like your mother."

"What are you talking about?" I breathed out.

"She was a little bitch, too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?"

He stepped closer to me, and I instinctively stepped back. My back smacked into the door.

The heels and dress clattered to the ground.

Seth stepped closer again, and a calculated look crossed his face. He had me right where he wanted.

I put my hands up against his chest, holding him back. He glanced down at my hands and back into my eyes, a smile was on his face.

It was an evil smile.

It reflected the one I loathed.

"What do you mean, my mother?" I whispered. "Isn't she..."

He cut me off. "Oh, you think that the lady who bends to dad's wills is your mother?" he laughed a sickening laugh. "Nope. Not even close. You aren't my sister. You aren't anything."

"Then tell me," I said in a soft, angry voice as confidence sprouted in me. "What did you do at that Academy that started this?"

"Excuse me?" he asked, caught off guard.

"What did you do that caused me to be this way?" My own anger flared. How could he call me such vile things?

He smiled. "Who told you?"

"I could have found it myself, for all you know."

"No," he said it so darkly, my blood ran cold. "No I hid everything." he boxed me in, his hand landing harshly on the door behind me. I jumped in surprise, but held my ground. "Who told you."

"I heard it from McCoy. Last night."

"Oh? And are you fucking him too?

His words were harsh, and hit me like whiplash.

"You're wrong." I said.

"No, sweetie, I've been right this whole time." he glanced over my face. "I have been using you this whole time, haven't I?"

"You're sick." I whispered in a broken voice. "You're a bastard, that's what you are."

"And you're nothing more than a whore."

He stepped back from me. He glanced me head to toe.

He was calculating.

"You are right, though. I am a bastard."

My heart was beating hard.

"And it was my fault that you are the way you are." He cocked his head to the side. "Or, at least some of it."

"What are you talking about?"

"I was the one who had shot you in your head, the one who had put you into the hospital, the one who had mentored you into thinking like a machine."

I felt light-headed.

"I was the one who controlled you. It is my fault that you had to have part of your brain removed, and that you have epilepsy."

"Seth," I said in panic.

His voice was raising. "But do I feel any sort of bad from it? Nope! I got used to you, I dealt with you, I made my father take another stupid bitch into the family.

I wanted to tear my eyes away from him.

"Your mom was my target."

"What?" my voice was too soft. I doubted that he heard me.

"I was supposed to kill her. I missed, and got you. She was killed, nonetheless, but what was I supposed to do with you?"

He gave me a glare. "You ruined my plans, my life. I had to leave everything behind. I had to start over with you on my shoulders."

He paused. I looked down at my toes. "I tried to raise you into the perfect little girl. My father took you into full stride. He had other plans for you. That's why I sent you to the prissy little private school in New York for your violin. You were the perfect little princess, and followed orders perfectly."

He stepped closer. "Then you messed everything up by running off like a whore."


"I needed you to disappear last night. But you didn't listen, did you?" His voice turned threatening. "You ran off with your boyfriend. I was finally going to be done with you, and you didn't listen."

I could see the anger growing in his eyes.

"What would have happened to me?"

"You would have been thrown in the pit. The Academy would finally have a target to pin blame on. For a lot of things. For plugging in to securities, stalking a girl, placing jump scares, and a whole lot of other crap."

"Why?" I asked.

"I've been asking myself that for years." He stated. "You were just a little girl that I had shot, and I was at risk of being thrown into the pit. Your mom was on verge of a large system that was preparing to overthrow the Academy. She was smart, so I knew that you would be smart. You were sculpted to perfection."

He was mumbling now.

"I wanted to rip your soul out from you. Your eyes are like hers were. The point where you could be killed by my hands at any point. I found your weaknesses. Your eyes hold a rippling fact that this could very well be your last breath." He smirked. "But no, I won't kill you. I want you to be on edge, to wait for the final blow."

I had no words.

He seemed to notice this. "Oh Scar, do I have you frightened?"

"Don't call me that."

He chuckled. "Well, aren't you cute now that you can speak for yourself."

My tongue was tied.

"Why don't you just get lost. And move out of my way while you're at it."

I was frozen.

His anger contorted his face. He grabbed my shoulders and threw me across the room. "I said move." he hissed.

I landed hard on the ground, gasping in pain. The door slammed shut.

I blinked as a hazy darkness covered my eyes.

I sat there, barely breathing as his words crushed me

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