Part 24

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Adam cooed randomness while he held me. I hadn't known I was crying until Adam wiped under my eyes.

He held me the whole ride. The car was silent other than Adam's nonsense.

I was okay with that. I held onto him.

Adam carried me into Sergeant Jasper. I didn't know who else was standing with us on the ride up the elevator.

The door opened and the familiar smell of pine trees and almond tickled my nose.

I was laid in a bed as soft voices whispered in the living room.

"Get some rest, okay?"

He tucked the blanket up to my neck.

I closed my eyes.

"You're a failure."

I rolled over.

"No one likes you, I mean, after all, you're only a nuisance."

I sighed.

"You get in the way of everything."

I rolled over again.

"You're nothing more than a dog; you act like one, and you're controlled like one."

White light flashed behind my eyes.

He was coming closer, the predatory smile on his face. A burn shot through my head. "Get out of here!" A sweet loving, scared voice yelled. "Scarlett, get out of here!"

I stood and watched the exchange between the boy and the young lady. She shielded me, pushed me back, towards the door.

"I won't leave you," I whispered.

The boy had a terrible smile on, his eyes glinting evilly.

He pointed the gun.

"I don't think I like you anymore." He said softly, casually.

There was a sharp bang. I jumped, pushing her.

A blinding pain flashed through me.

I sat up, screaming.

The image was so much more clear.

It wasn't a nightmare. It was a memory.

"Scarlett, it's okay."

Someone pulled me back into their arms. Tears were gathering in his eyes.

Adam. Brice looked at me, holding my hand.

"It was just a dream." Adam's voice said.

"No," I said in a broken whisper. "It was a memory."

I yawned.

"You're tired."

"I can't sleep."

Adam pulled me down in the bed with him, holding me to his chest.

I was comfortable with it.

I was whisked off to sleep.

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