Part 17

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"Let's get you home where your date will pick you up." Alison said.

She lead me to my car, and I reluctantly gave her my keys, seeing as how her tipsiness passed.

Alison was actually a very good driver, and knew the city like the back of her hands. She took the back roads, skipping the traffic jams, and got to my house quick.

She parked it, as if she'd done it a thousand times, and hopped out, opening up my door.

She grabbed my hand, leading me inside.

"I already told Adam where and how to get here. He should be here sooner rather than later." She trotted carefully into the grand living room. It stunned me for a while; I had forgotten what it felt like to have someone in my house rather than family.

But, after all, this wasn't my house.

I knew that the they were gone, off to some party, like every Friday night.

"I'm going to go grab my phone, just in case." she nodded as I raced up stairs. I really grabbed my earpiece, just in case.

I was down again in minutes.

The doorbell rang, and I jumped in surprise.

Alison split into a huge smile.

"Off to your date." She smiled.

"How are you going to get home?"

"I have a ride, I'll be gone in ten minutes."

I nodded.

I walked over to the door and opened it up. There, in a sharp suit, with a dark green tie and black mask, stood Adam. I took a sharp intake of breath.

He bowed, "My lady." he offered me a white flower.

I grasped it, our hands touching. My face was blushing. "What kind of flower is it?"

He smiled. "A Dragon Fruit flower. They bloom at night."

I smiled, smelling the beauty.

He grabbed it and gently tucked it into my hair.

"Shall we be on our way?" I took his offered arm, tucking my hand neatly into his arm.

He lead me to a limo. The driver hopped up and opened the door.

"After you m' lady."

I giggled softly.

I felt like such a girl.

Adam climbed in after me, sliding into the seat next to me.

"You know," he said as the car started. "I am the luckiest man at the dance tonight."

"Oh, and why is that?"

He gave me his flirty smile that weakened my knees. "Because I get to go with you."

I was blushing.

"Awe, you are little miss red tonight."

I giggled.

This seemed so foreign to me.

Is this why girls dated?

I was so confused.

The car had pulled to a stop. The door opened and Adam climbed out. He pulled me up.

We walked to the tents. People stopped, staring at us.

"Don't worry, Red, it's alright." he whispered in my ear.

Only about half of the people were dancing, everyone else was sitting at tables or milling around, watching those who were dancing.

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