Part 25

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I woke up with my back pressed to Adam's back. I was groggy as I climbed out of the bed.

I should do something nice for the boys, because they were being too nice to me.

I round the corner to enter the kitchen and ran straight into someone's hard chest.

Stumbling back, hands caught my upper arms. I looked up into Jesus eyes.

"Are you okay?"

His eyes were intoxicating. They were too calm, and it had my skin crawling.

He let me go.

"Oh," I said. "I'm fine."

He was tall, and had curly brown hair. His eyes were green. He smiled softly at me.

"I'm Percy," he stated.

"I'm Scarlett."

He nodded. "Is everyone else asleep still?"

"Yes," i stated. "I was just about to cook some breakfast of sorts for them."

"And then you ran into me?"

I nodded.

"I'll help you cook something, if you want."


Looking at him now, I noticed that he was about a head and a half taller than Adam or Brice. He was also probably taller than Mikel.

"What do you want to cook them?"

"Oh, I hadn't really thought about that."

I blushed.

His lips quirked up. "How about we make blueberry muffins and bacon?"

"Okay. I can handle the bacon."

I took the frozen bag of bacon as Percy started mixing flour and eggs. I warmed it under the spray of water first. Percy glanced at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Huh?" I looked down at the package. "I was doing this trick I learned. It decreases the amount of fat."

He smiled softly. "Well, then I'll leave you to it."

I cut open the bag of bacon and started walking over to stove. I tripped and rammed straight into Percy.

Flour went everywhere.

It was in his hair, on his face, smudged in his shirt. I laughed.

"Oh, you think this is funny?"

I giggled. His finger swooped into the bowl and he dabbed a smudge on my nose and across my forehead.

My eyes widened. I went to put my fingers in the mix, but Percy lifted the bowl too high for me to reach.

I stuck my lip out in a pout. "That's not fair."

He shrugged.

I continued and put strips of bacon on the stove. I glanced out of the corner of my eye just to see Percy dripping caramel sauce in the mix and then dropping little blueberry bits.

We worked in silence, and the smells had my stomach rolling with hunger.

I placed bacon on plates and continued frying.

Then a pop of grease attacked my arm.


I dropped the fork and backed away. I ran into Percy, again, and we tumbled to the ground.

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