Part 14

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I could smell the sweet vanilla of the person who was caring me.

"Here's my keys." I mumbled, pulling keys from my pockets. Hands grabbed them. "I can drive her car." Gabe whispered angrily at someone's comment I didn't catch.

"Don't scratch it," I threatened halfheartedly.

"Awe," he said. "Isn't she cute when she acts all big and tough."

"I parked it by the exit."

"What did she say?" the smooth baritone asked.

"Her car's parked by the exit Gabe." the chest rumbled.

A car door opened and I was laid down in the seat.

"Call the doc." the baritone said.

I closed my eyes as I was pulled into a set of arms. I was trying to understand what they were saying.

Then something stuck out to me.

"No!" i resisted as strongly as I could, which was weak to my own ears. "Don't take me to the hospital."

"Why?" the chest below me rumbled softly.

"I can't!" Tears started to stream down my face again. "I'll get in trouble. That man will punish me again, I'll bet another punishment. Don't make me go." I pleaded.

The panic swarmed me like the fog had earlier.

"Okay," The guy said soothingly. "Don't worry, we won't take you to the hospital. Calm down sweetie."

I felt some of the wait lift off of me. "Don' take me home." I was shaking, my arms bunching up.

"It'll be okay sweetie, we won't. Don't worry, you'll be safe."

He continued to talk, telling me what I think was a story, and I relaxed, listening to his heartbeat, rocking with the motion of the car, and dreaming with his story. I was eased into sleep.




We watched the girl race across the field as soon as the smoke began to seep around everyone. The three of us glanced at each other. She looked suspicious.

Then she dropped to the ground, rolling onto her back. She waited, breathing heavily

Suddenly, a scream ripped from her throat as she convulsed on the ground. We got close to her and I dropped down next to her, calling her name. "Scarlett"

Finally after a few minutes, she stopped. Scarlett heaved herself onto her knees and threw up. Her arms were shaking, tears cascading down her face. She plopped down again, away from the mess.

"Scarlett," I watched as her eyes tried to focus on me. They were glazed. I slid my arms under her and lifter her up. She was light and thin. She went limp. Scarlett was also mumbling.

"Set me down," she whispered.

Victor chuckled. "And what are you going to do if we put you down?"

"I need to go home," she whispered, holding onto my shirt tightly.

"How are you going to do that?" I asked.

"Drive." she said simply.

"Uh huh, yeah, like we're going to let you drive like this missy." Gabe said. "Nice try though."

"I can walk,"

"I'd like to see you try." Gabe mumbled. Victor shot him a sharp look.

"Just set me down."

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