Part 4

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I had Sang go to the office where Sean was. The music played softly through the walls. It had suddenly started, too. As far as I knew, no one had a music class this block except for Sang and myself.

Standing straight and flattening my jacket, I walked out of the room and into the next. This room was impossibly small, barely bigger than a small bedroom.

There stood a girl, her back facing me, and a violin perched in her hands and against her neck. Her fingers flew across the strings as she played gently. I immediately recognized the tune. It was called "The Red Violin", a famous solo.

I walked around her. Her face was loose, a smile on her lips as she got lost in the music.

Her hair was a soft deep black against her snowflake pale skin. Her face flushed slightly as her fingers worked the strings to perfection. I was lost in the beauty of her music and skill.

The room was too hot for my taste, but she didn't seem to notice, or ignored it entirely. A passion was flowing into the chords she played. Her foot tapped lightly as she swayed back and forth with the music. I sat down in one of the chairs. It squeaked, loudly.

Her eyes flew open and a look of horror crossed her face. She grabbed the instrument and pointed the bow at me threateningly. I stood up, pressing my hands into my hips.

"What are you doing here?" her voice was strong, but in her blueish grey eyes, I could see a fog of fear cross. When I stepped forwards, I caught the flinch she hid well. Her face was impassive, but a dark shadow danced all too familiarly in the depths of her eyes. I had seen her jerk slightly before composing herself again.

"I had not know anyone had class in here this block." I stated calmly. Her sharp gaze fell on me, calculating. She proceeded by placing the instrument into the music case and pulling out a white slip of paper from her bag.

"I have the okay from the principal." she said dryly. Her hand extended towards me timidly. Gently, I took the note and read over it.

Questions whizzed in my brain. Who was she? Why was she given the principal's special treatment? I handed the paper back to her.

"What's your name?"

She seemed uncertain with me, but answered strongly with a self-confidence I saw growing in Sang.

"Scarlett Peverell."

Her last name rang a bell all too loudly. She lived next to Victor. We had checked out his neighbors when they moved in. Her father owned a rich business with weaponry. The Academy has bought supplies from them more than once in the past.

The bell rang over our heads, and she ducked hers. I watched as she packed her items.

"Forgive me for interrupting your time. I am next door at this our if you need anything.

She stood up with her bag and case. "Oh. Okay." She shifted on her feet. Then, so suddenly, her eyes were piercing through mine. It took everything in me to hold my control over my expression. I could tell she was trying to read me, like I had done her.

The shadows in her eyes dimmed, just slightly, but as she nodded her head and briskly walked out of the door, I knew I had helped her in some way.



I walked away as fast as I could. The knot in my stomach was slowing disintagrating.

I had heard the thud of the door, but had thought it was my imagination. Then there was the squeak of the chair. The stranger, a man made of true perfection, was standing in front of me.

His eyes were steel.

I was so confused.

At first, memories tried to pipe up and attack my brain at the sight of him.

When he came closer to me, I cursed myself for flinching. He wasn't the man that claimed to be my father.

But, that doesn't mean he's not like him.

He recognized what I was playing, that much was clear.

He was too emotionless.

And now that I'm away from him, I feel like I can breath.

Don't I feel the same way around Seth? Like I have to be perfection and match up to him and please him?

This worried me.

I didn't even know who this teacher was, or if he was even a teacher!

I let out a sigh as I made my way to History.

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