Part 16

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I got up in bed, yawning. Someone had been knocking on the door. I got up and made my way across the room to open it.

"Holy fuck." Gabe said. "You have bed head."

My eyes scrunched together.

"Wait, what?"

He chuckled. "Come on. Get your lazy bum up."

"Well," I stated. "I'm up."

He grabbed my hand. "Come on, let's shove some food down the throat of yours."

It was weird. Last night I had the best sleep of my life. It was better than any other time I could remember.

He pulled me down the stairs. I was a little sore, but I'd make it.

When we entered the kitchen, I was taken aback by the beauty of it. Or was that just the smell that had my stomach singing?

"And sleeping beauty is awake." Uncle said.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I tried to comb back my hair. I snapped a hair tie in it to hold it back.

Luke and North were cooking a meal and I was astounded. "Big scary guy can cook? Never thought that one would hit me."

North grunted.

"Sorry," Luke stated. "You were kind of amiss last night and after you freaked out about going to the hospital and home, we brought you here."

"Huh?" they spoke about the hospital last night?

"What do you remember?" North asked me.

"I remember the game, the smoke, the... attack. And giving my keys to someone." I said the last word slowly.

Gabe chuckled. "I've got your keys right here."

"Oh god." I snatched them from his hands. "Did you scratch it?"

"No, calm done turbo. Your Impala is fine."

A fork clattered to the ground and North cursed.

He turned to look at me. "You have an Impala?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's black, leather seats, year 1964."

He nodded. "You seem to know your car."

"Of course I do, I built it from the ground up."

A small smile curved his lips.

"Sorry," I said. "I just, I..."

I looked away. I was severely uncomfortable now.

I could tell he had a crush on Sang, like half of the school. This made things worse.

I didn't like him, or any of the others in his group for that fact.

A plate of waffles landed in front of me. There were chocolate chips in them.

My stomach flipped.

"I don't exactly like chocolate," I said awkwardly, my face blushing.

"Awe, look, she's turning red." Gabe said. "North, she's like a girl version of you, only smart."

North punched him in the arm hard. Gabe was whining about a dead arm.

"I'll get you what I'm eating." North said. He seemed to try to distance himself from me. I was fine with that. This was way too close. I don't have friends because friends get in the way and complicate.

"Oh, I have something of yours." Luke said. He brandished a silver from his pocket. "I found your phone on the ground at school."

"How'd you know it was mine?" I asked

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