Part 28

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Part 28!


Tomorrow night would be the time.

I spent the night on the computer while Brice and Adam were fast asleep. I wasn't nervous, surprisingly.

I let my fingers fly over the keyboard, searching for random. I hacked into a system that was also in the building. One of the files included a girl named Kayli.

The night went on, and eventually, I felt like the newest member of the walking dead.

As I was logging off of the laptop, the first rays of the day peeked through the window. Brice walked out and looked at me.

"Where you awake all night?"

I looked up at him and saw that he knew that answer.


"Wasn't tired."

"That's a partial lie," he said. "Your eyes are like an open book."

He sighed. "How do you feel?"

I shrugged. "I don't really feel anything."

He plopped down on the couch next to me and pulled me into his side.

"What's on your mind?"

"I don't know. I feel..." I couldn't find the word for it. "Numb."

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?"

I sighed. "No. Everything's catching up with me, I guess."

"Yeah, I understand that." He said, pulling me in closer.


"I went through a harsh time, too." He seemed to be holding onto me tighter. "Family's a choice, Scarlett. And as long as you want us, we'll be your family."

Brice kissed the top of my head. "Go get some sleep, Scar. You're harming yourself by doing this."

I nodded and went to stand. "And hey, I can have a friend search to see if your real mom and dad are alive, okay?"

I stopped and turned to face him. "You'd do that for me?"

He winked. "Of course I would. Just like how Adam would sing for you, Mikel would smile, Percy would cook, Jaze would think the inevitable, and Grant would drop everything. Just for you." He kissed my knuckles. "Sleep well, Scar."

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