(30.) - Return of The Heroes.

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    Gotta say, just sitting around and doing absolutely
Nothing was a novelty I didn't know I valued. While my students were busy duking it out against the Shadow Beast I had put them up against, I simply stood back and watched from a somewhat safe distance, simply observing their movements and actions that they were committing.

After all, this was a practical test, to see whether these guys could actually utilise the things I've taught them about basics of dark magic and sorcery in the... 2 days that I've been with them. Maybe 2 and a half.

I must admit, this school has higher expectations for its students learning speed. I mean - we've basically finished the entirety of the first theory phase of the Basics to Dark Magic and Sorcery, and here we are, having a practical test only on the THIRD day of school.

....It's wild shit man.

The students were struggling a bit seemingly - however, were still somewhat managing to keep their ground against the Shadow Beast. The ones with melee weapons kept running in and trying to strike it before it could cast any spells, however would get themselves in trouble with the beasts reaction speed.

The beast was overall actually kind of embarrassing the students right now... Sure it was a C-Rank one, but even then — it was using the absolute bottom of basic spells against them.
Nothing complicated at all.

And yet...


Morgan shouted as she ran away from the beast and behind Kurolo, who with little fear in his eyes charged at the beast. In the same second that Kurolo charged at the monster, Jilk spun his two blades, before charging at the beast as well.

The two male students surprisingly managed to work together without even exchanging a single word, with Kurolo running up closer and then smashing his greatsword into the ground and slightly splitting it below the monster, causing it to lose balance slightly.

This move impressed me a bit, as it seemed like a move that shouldn't be possible with a training weapon. It didn't use any magic or anything, it was simply concentrating a lot of force on the blade to split the ground slightly. After the monster lost its balance, Jilk rushed in as fast as possible, before attempting to slash at it with his two blades - trying to slice off at least one of its legs.

However, before he managed to do anything, the monster suddenly vanished, appearing behind Kurolo. Every student gasped, as Kurolo turned around - being forced to use his greatsword to block an incoming Black Magic spell — 'Dark Zap'.

The spell came out of a small magic circle, which unleashed some tiny bolts of black lightning at Kurolo, which by all means would be pitiful at that power and when theres only one, however, due to the fact that these were just students, Kurolo - despite successfully blocking the lightning with his greatsword - was pushed back quite a significant distance, before the monster created 6 more of the same magic circles.

Kurolo shed a sweat, however right as the spells were cast and the small black lightning came towards him - Diamond quickly rushed infront of him, holding her wand up towards the lightning - sweat drops falling from her face.

"Fires dance and wave - fly and dash, come to my aid and give me your power! Fire Ball!"

She announced, finishing the incantation of her spell just moments before the lightning connected. Luckily, her magic circle formed just fast enough for her fireball to come out and fire at the lightning, however it wasn't enough to stop all six incoming lightning bolts, as 2 made through and still hit both Diamond and Kurolo — electrocuting them lightly, but still making them fall to the ground.

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