A chapter for the forgotten cinnamon roll!

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Welcome back!!!!! Ready for a tense black swan meeting?
Dex's pov

They really went big on this meeting something must have happened. EVERYONE was there crammed into the living room of Havenfield with Sophie, fitz, keefe, Marella, Maruca, and tam being the only ones who weren't demanding what was going on.
Mr forkle cleared his throat with his rukleberry disguise before speaking. " you are probably wondering why we called you here today and that is because Vespera paid Ms fosters house a visit claiming that she had the answers they needed at stellarlune. (Cue gasps) Sophie and a few others then journeyed to the Elysian place and ended up in a battle with Gisela. ( more gasps) surprisingly Vespera fought alongside our own and ended up losing her life to one of Gisela's explosive gadgets." (Even more gasps) Forkle then continues to explain and more gasps and panicked looks were shared around the room .

I sighed when he finished who new so much could happen in a single night without anyone even noticing their absence.

I thought about how I should finish those fighting gadgets but then got distracted by the panicked looks on his friends faces especially Sophie's who was as white and  pale as a ghost and keefe seemed to have noticed to.

Then Sophie voice peeped up " I know their are probably more things you guys have to say about this but we have to remember we're supposed to meet Elysian in a couple of hours" she cringed at their faces of anger. Shouts of things like "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU AREN'T SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING GOING" and "ARE YOU CRAZY" echoed throughout the room

before someone yelled "STOP"

I turned to see biana with her mouth opened ready to yell if they didn't shut up. Wow she looked good i thought to myself. Dang it!! Why did I think that?? especially with like 5 telepaths in the room!!!

" I think we should calmly discuss what we should do. Actually let's have a vote!! Raise your hand for in favour of going through with this!!" Biana called out.

Sophie, keefe, me, biana, tam, Linh, Marella, Wylie, Maruca, Edaline, forkle, my mom, Stina, my dad, Della, granite and Alden all raised our hands.
"I think that's majority, now let's discuss!!" Biana


I think I have decided on dexiana for this fic❤️

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