Dont underestimate yourself

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Since it's technically the 42 part This first part of dedicated to stellarlunes best....

chapter 42

Sophie's pov

I dragged my feet to my locker dreading having to got to classes.
"I can't believe they're making us go to school!" Dex complained from beside her.
I nodded in agreement.
"Fosterrrrrr, wanna ditch?" Keefe begged playfully.
"No-err actually why not?" What was the point any way it's not like I had anything important in the morning.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, really soph?" Dex said looking at me as if I was insane.

"Yes, But I have to go to telepathy after lunch."
Keefe nodded excitedly. "Come on foster! I'm gonna show you all my favourite ditching spots! He pulled her closer so he could whisper in her ear "and maybe we could check out that mentor cafeteria?" Now it was my turn to nod excitedly.

He pulled me out down the hallway. Making me smile. "Foster, I love your smile." That made me blush-wait? Blush? Smile? I was happy I was feeling happy!

"Thank you keefe. I really needed this", I was still beaming glad to have positive emotions.

He smiled not even a smirk but I real smile.

He continued pulling me down the hall and led me through so many turns I was sure to get lost on my own even with my photographic memory.

He opened a door and we ran outside laughing and talking. He sat down on a big hill on the school grounds. I sat next to him smiling, "I love you" he whispered. My eyes widened. My breathing sped up as he took my hand reading my emotions. I wanted to scream I love you, but cold, harsh, reality smashed through my consciousness. "Keefe- your making it so much worse for yourself."

"Maybe, but I can't just know that you're gonna.... and not let you know how I feel about you. You don't have to respond your emotions are enough."

"Then you know how much I love you too." Tears streamed down my face, and I saw tears pooling in his.

" I wish we could  just pretend like this whole thing won't happen."

"Why can't we?"

"Because it's not right."

"What if we just all push it to the back of our heads and live the next few days better than ever before?"

"I would love that. But, that's not responsible."

"Screw responsibility." Keefe responded.

I laughed.  But agreed, I new it was selfish but I just didn't want to constantly be thinking about death. Why not have a little fun?

(Time skip) hehehe still lazy.💕
Transmissions will be bold

Sophie, Fitz, you may connect your minds. I put up the barriers so the monster wouldn't hurt Fitz, I wasn't taking any chances, he didn't deserve to see that, no one did, well except me.

"I'm incredibly proud that you two succeeded at fixing your cognate connection. And now it's stronger than before, so I want fitz to leap to everglen and see if he can transmit to Sophie, but I don't want him to hear your thoughts so block that, and keep transmissions simple."

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