Stay my brave little moonlark, always.

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Keefe's Pov

I straightened out my tunic that I had found crumpled in the corner of my room. Then I lifted my crystal to the sky, and stepped into the light

As soon as I arrived at Havenfield I saw the Vackers glitter into view and then the Dizznee's too. Tam and lihn were already walking to the door and we jogged to catch up.

"Hey guys." Lihn said with no enthusiasm in her voice at all. He expected that there would be a lot of lack of enthusiasm today.

The closer we walked to the door of Havenfield the more I realized how unwelcoming the atmosphere was. Especially with how this place always felt like a homey welcoming place.

We knocked and waited as we heard slow steps head towards the door and it opened to a frail looking Edaline. She looked as if she hadn't slept a bit. She smiled but it was shaky and forced as she let out a little whimper when she saw our sad looking faces before calling for Grady and Sophie. We all shuffled in and sat in havenfields large living room. And Grady walked in and gave us a weak smile before sitting next to his wife and holding her hand.

"I don't think she's coming down" Grady mumbled.

"She hasn't left her room since she told us....."her voice trailed if as a tear leaked down her cheek.

"I think we should go and talk to her." biana whispered.

I stood up and trailed behind my friends trying to ignore the fact that there was no emotion at all coming from her room. Stina looked at me confused and I shrugged. Honestly when biana opened the door I expected Sophie to be nowhere in sight. But there she was completely still her face as emotional as her feelings. Completely muted as if she were numb. "Sophie?" Dex asked concern lacing his tone.

"Hello." Sophie said in a emotionless voice.

I watched the scene in confusion as each of his friends hugged Sophie and cried into her shoulder and she barley reacted barley spoke.

"Sophie! Sophie you not reacting is worse than you being all sad and mopey." Marella Said.

I had to agree and when I walked up to Sophie instead of hugging her I grabbed her hand and led her down stairs with the rest of my friends following. I led them outside still gripping fosters hand and sat her under calla's tree praying that she would fix whatever happened to the foster he knew.
He sat next to her squeezing her hand and sending her calming breezes. All of our friends sat and watched as she took deep breaths inhaling the sweet scent of panakes. She smiled slightly before placing her free hand in the bark and tracing her fingers through the bark. Our polyglot skills both translating the words that the tree seemed to say. "Stay my brave little moonlark, always." That was what calla had told Sophie the night she died. He remembered being surprised at how close the two had been he hadn't realized that while he was sulking in his room Sophie was spending time with this kind knome making memories that would connect them even though death.

Sophie's voice snapped me back to the present "sitting here makes me think that maybe dying won't be as bad as I thought. Maybe I will just be peaceful, happy forever, maybe I will even see calla and kenric." Her voice soft and angelic.

"Soph don"-     Dex tried.

"I hope you guys will all move on quickly, make happy memories, enjoy the little time you have time you have left to be kids. Graduate from foxfire and focus on the future not the past. But I do have a wish for you guys. I need you to look after my parents. And someone has to tell Amy, she deserves to know. Also Biana? Can you handle iggy?"

"Of course anything."She responded. She smiled and nodded.

"I think I'm ready to face the adults." Sophie took a deep breath in and I watched her walk to the house.

Move on? How was he supposed to do that when he loved her? When he loved her so much that he liked himself better when he was with her! It hurt to be away from her, and she expected him to be okay and move on without her? He couldn't. He loved her. I love Sophie foster, have for years.

I watched the awkwardness as Sophie walked in on a wanderling planting planning meeting. And then the hugs and tears from the adults. As Sophie stood there thanking them for all they have done for her. Then she walked upstairs and I followed along with everyone else (except the parents.)

We hung out avoiding any talk of Sophie dying.
Pretending everything was normal. Laughing and smiling, If someone saw us they wouldn't suspect anything at all but the truth was, we faked it all, I just couldn't feel anything happy when the girl I loved was going to die.

"KIDS!" Someone shouted from downstairs. We all scrambled to get down the stairs and ended up stopping in our tracks when we saw who was standing in the living room.

Mr forkle.


OoooooooOO the drama is dramaing that's not a word but whatever.🤷‍♀️🎭

Haven't said this In awhile so...... SO 👏KEEFE 👏IS 👏DA 👏BOMB!!!👏

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