Dancing through the halls

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Sophie's pov

"I need more levels at the training arena." I told forkle standing in his office at watchword health.

"Why? There was fifty levels theres no way you've finished in the amount of time you have had."
"Well I did"
"Sophie, is it possible that you are pushing yourself past the limits?"
"No! I'm the moonlark and that means that I'm gonna have to learn how to defend myself against the people who are trying to kill me and everyone I love!"

I understand Ms foster but, I haven't seen you spend any time with your friends outside of school and training?

I sighed. "Look, I just need more levels to improve my skills. I thought you would be happy I have finally focused more? But I guess being proud of me is out of the question!" I snapped back. And I walked out of the office.

I walked until I found a cliff, then I leaned over the edge remembering when I was scared to walk near an edge. I chuckled softly as I jumped off and into the void.

I stayed in the quiet peacefulness of the void. It let me think, I used the trick Bronte gave me and tied all of my emotions into a ball ready to be at my disposal when I need them. The pain rocketed through my chest. But I was used to it, this happened every time. I thought back to what Bronte had told me at my inflicting session,

"Sophie, I'm glad to hear that you're using my method of storing the emotions so they can be used later but you shouldn't be using it so much."

He raised his hand to stop me from continuing, "I understand your desire to have protection but you just can't have that many emotions tied up inside of you. The pain it gives is too much, especially for a young girl like yourself."

"I'm the moonlark! I'm supposed to be able to take some pain it's not just my life that's on my shoulders! It's all of the lost cities, the families the children, my friends, the black swan. It's all my responsibility to save. No matter what my friends try to tell me. I know that I shouldn't listen to the monster. But I can't because every words it says it true. And the more I think about the more true it becomes. The lost cities were never involved directly in this war until the gnomish plague which just so happened to start after my encounter with King Dimatar at Kenrics funeral."

It was my fault that everyone in the lost cities now lived in fear of the neverseen. And the parents seemed to know it. The way they pulled their kids away from me as I walked by. The way the students at foxfire cleared a path for me and avoided I contact with me. The way the whispers and gossip flowed through the halls behind where I walked. It was hard not to flinch when I heard the kids talk about me.
"You know the freak with the brown eyes?"
"She's right there shut up!"
Even Stina and her minion's avoided me. Probably because someone had spread the rumour that I had left to learn ways to kill anyone that crossed me at a black swan hideout, while in reality I was being tortured by the Neverseen like the weak girl I Am and will continue to be unless something changes. And I am determined to be that change.

———————-(time skip)————————————

I walked to the study hall and sighed setting my homework down and completing it as fast as I could, trying to ignore the kids around me. My friends sat down beside me and around the table I was sitting at.
"Psst" "Sophie? We're having a valiant meeting at everglen tonight!"

I sighed and nodded. I ignored their worried glances that they had been giving me ever since I had came back from the neverseen.

I groaned and turned to look at them. "I cant take it anymore! Stop looking at me as if I'm going to die at any moment. I'm fine okay? I don't need your pity!

"Sophie whens the last time you slept?" Linh asked softly.
"Last night"I lied smoothly rolling my eyes.

"Foster, foster, when are you going to learn that no matter how good you get at lying you can't fool the empath! Even one with messed up abilities!"

I sighed biting my lip and looking down.
"Soph?" Fitz asked.

"Uhgggg. Fine! I admit It's been awhile,"

"How long is awhile?" Dex asked.

"I don't remember" I admitted flinching when they all gasped.

"How is that even possible you have a photographic memory!" Biana whisper hissed.

"Never mind that!" I sighed hoping to get them off the topic I changed it to something else. "Does anyone know what the answer to 42 is on this stupid astronomy assignment!"

"I do!" Dex said proudly, he smiled and leaned over from where he was sitting next to me. He explained the answer grinning the whole time as i scribbled to capture the answers as he fired them in a quickly paced rant.

The bell rang. And I shot up from my seat walking to my locked hoping no one would follow.

"Foster? Why are you walking so fast??" Keefe complained.

I kept walking. He groaned and started running to catch up to me. I didn't look him in the eye as he told me about how he missed me in detention. The detention monitor had been lady Belva and she took him as her partner in ball room dancing. I smiled slightly at the thought of lady Belva laughing and smiling as she was spun around by a grumpy keefe.
"Think that's funny do you foster?" He asked chuckling with his deep voice.

He smirked and grabbed one of my hands before spinning me around. I squeaked "keefe!" He laughed and lifted me up and put me down guiding me through a gracefully dance.

"It's much more fun with you." he whispered in my ear.
I tried and failed to hide the brush that had disobeyed me and crept up my cheeks. He spun me once more before letting go of me and smirked leaning back taking his warmth with him.

"CRASH" the lights flickered off, As the sound echoed through the hallway that was empty and now very very dark.

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