Cant live without her.

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Lord hunkyhairs pov!

I hugged Sophie harder than ever before, desperately trying to hold the the broken pieces together as she had done for me hundreds of times.  But when I get her emotions all I felt was acceptance. And not the kind of acceptance that was proud, but the dreading kind than snuck up on you when you least expected it.

I felt her heart thumping quickly and her hands warm and clamy. I didn't care that everyone isn't he room was staring at us as I rubbed circled in to her back in smooth soft motions.

She  pulled back and I fought the urge to pull her back. As she said "how is this going down?"
Edaline sobbed in the background and I saw guilt flash through Sophie's eyes.
I sent her a breeze.
Maybe thsi should be a session between those who are going. Forkle said.

If everyone is invited then aren't we going too?" Dex asked desperation in his voice.

"No. I don't think you should see it." He glanced at Sophie again, making me want to punch him, or anything really.

"And how do you plan on stopping us?" I challenged. I saw lots of people nodding,
Forkle sighed but whispered "fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Count down: 8 days left

I don't know what's happening to me, I barley felt like doing my hair and picking out a decent outfit this morning! I tried to smirk in the mirror but it fell flat. Lately everything felt less....happy, it was as if every moment was tinted with a grey cloud of sorrow.

I don't know how foster expected me to move on, i couldn't live without her. The black swan may be planning to kill her off but I had other plans. Of course there was no real plan, I have never been good at making those. It was always foster, who came up with brilliant plans in a matter of seconds, that was why she was the perfect leader, I don't care what anyone else said. She was much better at leading than Forkle and he was like really old.

My "plan" was basically a whole lot of begging to forkle about any different outcome. It wasn't likely that he would change his mind, but it was worth a try. Right?

So I stepped into the beam of light that the crystal I lifted up to the sky created.

(Time skip! Yep I'm a lazy author who sucks at transitions!!)
"Pleaseeeeee" I begged. "There's gotta be something! Maybe faking her death?"

It wasn't ideal but anything was better than this.

His eyes glistened with ideas and hope, and I smiled.

Then the hope faded and sadness overtook it.
"I-I don't think that would work"
"WELL WHY NOT!?" I raised my voice.
"Because- because it just won't work." He stuttered.
"WHY NOT" I repeated.
"It. Just. Wont." He replied, emphasizing each syllable.
"W-what?!" I stuttered, out of breath from the yelling match.
He ran a hand through his Magnate Leto, blonde, hair.

"Sophie can't live. She will be to powerful for this world."

"I think the world can handle some foster power!"

"You don't understand, she is already powerful but if her other abilities are triggered it won't end well."
"Other abilities?"
"Yes, other abilities."
"Forkle, how many abilities did you give foster?"
"All of them, and a couple others" he whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear him.
My eyes widened.
"But she's past the manifesting age!"
"Me and you both know that age is more like a guideline than a rule."
I nodded grimly.
"But, why would she manifest more ? Can't they just stay dormant "

"Normally yes. But imagine this. Each of your abilities is like a part of you it flows through every part of you until it's ready to be manifested, and sometimes they never do.  But in Ms Fosters case there are more than 24 abilities waiting, coursing through her, five of which have already surfaced."

"And not to mention how powerful and dangerous these abilities are.  She would have to learn to control them all."

"But she could hypothetically" I new I was being selfish but I needed Sophie even if it was just as her friend I needed her. I couldn't live without her.

He sighed, "yes, but do you really think the council would let her?"
"Just don't tell them?"
"This conversation is over Mr sencen."


Hey guys

What do y'all Think of Sophie's abilities
What are these "other abilities?"

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