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Biana's POV!!💅✨💖🌸👑

"So there's someone who betrayed the black swan in this room?" It almost came out as a whisper but I managed to keep it steady. I gently traced my scars. Up and down jagged white lines, it swerved and swerved.

It felt suffocating knowing that someone that I cared about dearly was probably a murderer.

"We're not certain but this our main lead." Forkle said.

"I'm hoping we are wrong though." Granite said.

"Sophie." He held out his hand and Sophie stepped forward and did these finger movements before the click of her ability being switched on echoed through the dead silent room. She grabbed his hand and forkle's eyes clouded.

"Who submits to the probe?" Granite asked.

I raised my hand and stepped forward. Everyone else seemed hesitant but I had nothing to hide.

I get a breeze and it was unsettling, but it disappeared just as fast as it came.

"Clear." Forkle called out. And squall led me to the other side of the room.

Dex was next, "clear."

Then keefe, "clear."

Then Edaline and Grady, and then Kessler, and the triplets, then my mom, then my dad.

He stepped forward and closed his eyes.
It was taking longer than normal but that was probably because he was older, more memories to search I guess.


Next fitz, "Clear."
And everyone else got the same response of clear.

When everyone was finished. Dex asked, " so no one is the mole here?


Out of the corner of my eye I saw forkle release his grip on Sophie's hand and she jumped slightly. As if she was being snapped awake.
I saw her blink back tears, did it really hurt that bad?

"Alright everyone, I think it's time we let Sophie and her friends enjoy some time together." Mr Forkle announced.

Sophie walked up to her room and we all hurried to keep up, but she was fast, very different from the clumsy Sophie she used to be. She was silent and had a completive look on her face.

She opened her door and told us to sit anywhere I chose a spot on the bed and Dex plopped down beside me grabbing my hand. Fitz sent us a slight glare, he want thrilled about us but he didn't try and stop it.

Sophie sat down beside me and took a deep breath before whispering. " I know who the mole is"

"Who?!" Chorused through the room.

She glanced at me and fitz, I drew in a sharp breath.

Her voice shook as she choked  out "Alden".

A/N I don't hate fitz or Alden! This is just for the sake of the fanfic.

Back to Sophie's pov

"Mr forkle says he is being dealt with as we speak."

I tried to hold biana as close as I could but eventually gave up, letting Dex cuddle her to his chest. She was sobbing, I spared a glance at fitz, and instantly regretted it when he looked me in the eye and clench his fists tighter. Don't get me wrong fitz is a great guy he just doesn't have the best record for his reactions to family stuff...

"Im so sorry fitz" that was the only thing I could come up with.

"Oh! Your sorry? That makes it all better Sophie, the moonlark, lady fos boss!" Sarcasm and venom was dripping through his tone, and I stepped back not wanting to cause anymore trouble. "Do you remember what I told you when his mind broke? You've. Done. Enough. And you just couldn't listen, you just had too mess up everything else."

I closed my eyes and repeated," he doesn't mean it he's just angry" over and over in my head. Hoping that maybe it will start to become true, but to my disliking fitz transmitted; "but I do mean in moonlark."

I held back my tears and concealed the flinch at his harsh words. I'm the moonlark, I'm supposed to be strong. And I that the monster took the opportunity to rip my already shattered self and shred it more.

I thought the moonlark was supposed to be strong, brave, and selfless? But I guess that's all a lie, all I see is weakness, fear, and a selfish girl who can't even leave her nose out of other families business! I don't know how the monster knew all the worst things it could say to break me without hesitation. It was like it knew me inside and out.

I felt keefe reach for my hand but I knew that was a really bad idea based on the whole fitz situation. So I pulled away hoping he wasn't hurt and saying "I think everyone needs some rest."
I kept my head down avoiding everyone's probably very angry and disappointed faces.

As soon as the door closed  I jumped onto my bed, and tried to calm the monster but I knew deep down it was right, it was right about everything and as it pulled me into the world of nightmares it yelled....

..."Maybe this is another reason the black swans ending you!"

(Trigger warning emetophobia!! ⚠️)

Keefe! No please don't leave me it was supposed to be ME NOT YOU I screamed.
Foster you can't stay with me, the world needs you.
But-but I can't leave you.

Sophie your the moonlark you need to own you to your responsibilities! Fitz shouted at her.

I know but he- I sobbed.

Your so weak! Dex yelled.

Cant even save her friends and family.
It's all your fault you FREAK!

I ran to the bathroom moving my legs as fast as I could. The monster yelling horrors from my nightmares. The monster creeping up making me want to vomit. And I did. A lot. And every time the monster spoke up, it happened again.

"Sophie?" Sandor asked as he crept into the bathroom, he sat down next to me rubbing circles into my back. " it's not real. It was all just a nightmare,"

"Yeah but it feels real. You-you died sandor and it was all my fault!" Then I started sobbing again. He held me tight.

"Sandor I haven't said this nearly enough, thank you. Thank you so much, I really care about you, your like family to me."

I watched him smile as he continued rubbing circles into my back. "Ms foster, your like the daughter I've never had."


Sorry short chapter again but it was filled with dRaMa✨❤️‍🔥

Also sandor is like a father figure to Sophie in the books I swear if Shannon kills him........😭💔❤️‍🩹

Also tysm for reading
This is for you!   🏆

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