A change in schedule

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Keefe's point of view.

He saw an envelope on his desk in Everglen and instantly ran to it. Thinking this. Is. It.

Dear son,

It been awhile so hello. As you have probably I have your great Moonlark although, She doesn't look that great at the moment follow this leaping crystal to meet us at one of our humble homes.

                      Sincerely, your mother

He ran to the hall screaming for a meeting.
Soon they were on there way stepping in to the light.

Sophie's point of view

Every day torture, pain, screaming, agony, tears and then a little food and water to keep me alive but just barley the sleep.



Until... I braced myself for pain when I heard footsteps but then I realized they were different...
They were heels.

Then footsteps behind them.

Was this her rescue?!?!?

"Sophie" the voice.

But when they turned the last corner she saw a lady in a red dress, Keefe's mother to be specific with two dark cloaked figures behind her.

"Grab her" Gisela ordered.

They walked into her cell grabbing her by the shoulder forcing her up and through the door even though she was in no position to be walking she tried her best.

Keefe's Point of View

They appeared in a clearing with a cliff and a cloaked figure standing in the middle.

The guard did not speak he just turned and walked to the cliff pulling on a rock to open a narrow passage. He followed as it led them through twists and turns.

The guard stopped in their tracks. Then a door appeared out of nowhere he opened it and led them in to a room with benches along the sides.
The guard gestured to a small bench in front of a stage with a single metal chair and a big screen.
Then the doors on all sides opened and hundreds of cloaked neverseen members walked through and sat on the remaining benches then something went over his lap a metal bar he noticed trapping him, he struggled to break free. And so did his group.

"I would stop that if you would like to see the rest of the show, and spoiler alert it involves your Moonlark." his mom spoke as she walked on to the now brightly lit stage.

That shut him up. His anticipation and worries for Sophie were becoming unbearable. As the seconds stretched on my mom yelled "bring out the girl"

He heard footsteps and then a bloody beaten skinny girl that he knew all to well was shoved onto the stage by two big neverseen members she groaned when the bright lights hit her. And then she saw us, her eyes widened with panic as she screamed "ITS A TRAP GET O-" a figure kicked her hard to the ground and hit her in the face. She coughed and spit out blood. And then was forced up and she staggered to the metal chair.

Then Gisela spoke again " welcome all to the show of the end of Sophie foster!"

My face paled and I started shaking. The end???

The crowd of neverseen cheered and clapped and I made a mental reminder to kick them all extra hard for that later.

His eyes focused on Sophie she made eye contact with him. Her eyes were clouded with fear and guilt.
My mom stepped forward and snapped her fingers conjuring a piece of technology that matched in colour with the ability restricter that was placed on Sophie's head.
Sophie tried to get up but found her hand to be cuffed to the chair. Her eyes stared at the machine and her lip quivered "no! Not again!" She yelled her voice raw and desperate.
Had she seen it before?

Mother dearest smirked and placed it on her head.

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