Our Tragedies

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AN: I've been excited to work on this book 📚 and I hope everyone enjoys it. I'll be hopefully updating both this book 📚 and my other at the same time. I can't wait to see what everyone thinks


Normal POV



5 Years Earlier

The Stone Family Mansion

Countless guests were gathered for an event that forever changed the family hosting the funeral for not just one but for two of their members.

This tragedy was unexpected, especially for the head of the family, who hadn't shed one tear since receiving the news of the deaths of his two eldest sons.

All those who arrived were people of business, politics and society, the family hosting was well-known for their company being one of the largest in fastest-growing trades and marketing as well as exchange. Making the family extremely wealthy.

Apart from that, this family had a secret unknown to others.


Duncan POV

I was standing at the top of the stairs looking down at all the guests that arrived.

It's been a week of condolences and hearing how their souls will always watch over us.

I was getting upset hearing all of this bullshit. Does anyone truly know how we feel right now? Let alone how I feel. No, they don't!!

Shutting my eyes tightly to prevent my tears from falling.

It was just a week ago I saw them, they did their usual teasing, we joked around, competed and the last thing they said to me was...

" Hey don't worry little brother, your gonna be something one day "

" Yeah and it just may be what this family needs, you will do great things"

But then when Dad got that call it all changed.

I had just snuck back into my room after meeting up with my friends when I suddenly heard mom scream one that I'll never forget.

Immediately rushing out of my room thinking something happened but when I arrived in the living room...Dad was shocked holding Mom crying then facing me his expression said it all.

The next day we went to identify my brother's body, I didn't want to believe it but the truth was right in front of us. Dad didn't flinch or express any emotions, but I knew what he was thinking "How could this happen? "

Funeral arrangements were prepared right away and with my family's reputation media was on us about the death of my brothers, both known for being gifted businessmen for the company. Dad was proud of both of them.

Meanwhile, I was a 16-year-old attending a high-end academy for wealthy families, but I was known as a bad boy for doing the usual skip school, causing trouble, giving teachers a hard time, countless issues with the law and a few juvie stays.

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