Chapter 24

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When I was finally able to help Lover calm down, I lied down in her bed with her, rubbing her back and playing with her hair while she rested her head on my chest.

Once we heard the front door open and shut, followed by Lovers mom walking around downstairs, I could feel Lover tense up in fear. We were both nervous for how her mom would react to the fact that Lover punched someone.

"I'm scared" she whispered as she grabbed my shirt and pulled it closer to her, listening to her mom stomping up the stairs.

"It'll be okay baby, I'm right here"

Lover shook her head, then stopped and held her breath when her mom opened the bedroom door.

For a good five seconds, she just stood there and glared at Lover, who completely avoided eye contact and hid her face in my shirt.

"Lover, look at me"

"Mom- I'm s-sorry I..I-"

"Lover, stop. Look at me, I don't want the excuses."

I could see it in her mom's eyes: she was fuming.

Poor Lover doesn't need all of this added stress.

Lover, while still clinging onto me, slowly turned her head to look at her mom. I tightened my grip around her.

"Come here"

Lover shook her head.

"Excuse me??" She raised her voice.

"I'm sorry mom I can't-I just- I-"

"Lover. Stop it right now. I'm not messing around. Come here."

Lover looked up at me like she was expecting me  to save her. I wanted to so bad, wanted to tell her mom to go away, but I knew that would make things worse. "It'll be fine my love, just go talk to her" I said before lowering my voice to a whisper only she could hear. "I'll be right outside the door, if anything gets too bad I'll come in."

Lover look at me, terrified, and nodded before walking into her mom's bedroom.

Once the door shut, I slowly walked into the hallway so that I could hear everything that happened.

"What happened at school today?" her mom interrogated her.

"You already know"

"Lover this is gonna be a lot less messy if you just cooperate."

"This girl was bullying me, I don't know where it came from. I've never punched anyone in my life, I'm so sorry." I could hear her voice breaking, and I just wanted to scoop her up and tell her it would be okay.

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it. Lover, you cannot just punch someone."

"Mom she was-"

"I don't want your excuses. Was she physically hurting you?"

"Well, no, but-"

I Love You, It's Ruining My Life | Lovertation Taylor Swift Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now