for old times sake

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"Dude you can't prescribe a corti—well actually you can't prescribe anything at all because you don't have your license yet" Mark said, glaring his eyes at her as they walked towards the fried chicken stall he had heard about a few days ago

"Mark, enough with the lectures please. I already feel stupid" she sighed, massaging her shoulder lightly from the long day of work

"Prescribing cortisone to a diabetic is very stupid. Incredibly stupid. Lying about being a doctor is even more stupid actually—"

"Mark! Enough!" Areum shouted and he sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets as he stopped giving out to her. Going for drinks was his idea to patch up the tension from this morning, yet he couldn't help but call out his best friend on her stupid ideas

"Well at least you get to do something fun...I've been suturing all day and my hands feel like they're going to fall off" Mark groaned and she chuckled

"Is that why we didn't go to that noodle place I wanted to try?" She asked and he laughed

"I couldn't even pick up my chopsticks at lunch to—"

"Areum?" A sweet voice asked from behind them. Areum squeezed her eyes shut and scrunched her face up at the horrible coincidence of events that seemed to occur today

"Hey" Areum turned around slowly with an awkward smile to greet the blonde boy who stood alongside hia dark haired friend.

"Hey, uh Jeno this is Areum, she was in our residency" Jaemin said with a smile and Areum cursed under breath at the statement, knowing Jeno might call her out at any moment on her lies

"Uh...I don't really remember seeing you" Jeno said with an awkward smile and Jaemin chuckled

"Well it was like two years ago" Jaemin reasoned

"It's nice to meet—see you again. This is my friend, Lee—"

"Jinhyung, right? Lee Jinhyung?" Jeno said, pointing his finger at Mark while stating his brother's name

"Uh...yeah. Yeah. What's up bro?" Mark said, awkwardly glancing at Areum before posing as his older brother who seemed to have completed his residency with the two older men.

"Good look like you got younger" Jeno laughed and Mark let out an airy chuckle

"It's the uh...collagen and boto—are you guys here for food as well?" Mark quickly changed the subject, not wanting to be caught out in a lie

"Uh yeah actually. Mind if we join you? For old times sake?" Jaemin asked, looking to Areum who had cheeks redder than a cherry

"Sure I don't mind—on one condition though" she said sheepishly

"No more work talk" she said and the two of them chuckled, nodding their heads quickly

"That's fine with me" Jeno said with relief, leading them inside the small roadside tent that house the chicken stall. And while it was hard to not call Mark...well Mark every few seconds, Areum wasn't feeling as awkward as she thought she would while the four sat by the table waiting for their food

Her eyes immediately lit up as the waiter approached with their sizzling hot plate of fried chicken along with a few jugs of beer. Jaemin couldn't help but keep his eyes on the girl that seemed so excited to stuff a piece of chicken in her mouth, relishing the flavour as if she had never eaten anything like it before. He thought it was cute, incredibly adorable.

But what he didn't find so cute was how close in proximity the pair in front of him were always at. Mark had explained to them how his hands were numb from doing stitches all day—but asking Areum to feed him every now and then as he struggled to pick something up for himself—Jaemin did not find that cute whatsoever.

"Dude you're gonna spill that everywhere—I told you, I literally told you" Mark laughed as he watched Areum spilled her incredibly full jug of beer onto her lap

"Fuck!" She hissed, sitting the glass back on the counter before looking down at her soaked jeans. She sighed and looked back up to find a napkin, only to find herself being met with two, one from Jaemin and one from Mark.

"Oh uh...thanks guys" Areum said, looking between the two awkwardly before taking both in her hands and pressing it down against her jeans to clean up the mess while Mark only laughed harder at how bad it looked

"Literally looks like you pissed yourself" Mark said through a fit of drunk giggles as she stood up to clean the mess

"You're not helping" she hissed

"How am I going to take the subway like this?" She asked to no one in particular

"I you home" Jaemin said reassuringly, avoiding Jeno's narrowing eyes from beside him

"Oh no it's fine I—"

"No seriously, let me drive you home" Jaemin said with a smile and Areum looked to Mark quickly before looking back to Jaemin

" that case, can Ma—Jinhyung come with us too?" Areum asked with a smile and Jaemin raised his eyebrows up at the fact that she didn't exactly get his hint

" you guys live close?" Jaemin asked, looking between the two who held awkward expressions

"Uh...we sort of um...we kinda—"

"Live together" Mark finished for her as she saw Jaemin's smile falter slightly

"It's complicated" she added. Now that...that was not cute.

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