party for two

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"Fuck...what if Juri walks in?" Areum moaned into Jaemin's ear as he kissed down her neck. She heard a low growl of a laugh emitting through his teeth as he nibbled on the supple skin

"Who cares?" Jaemin asked through a smile and she chuckled, her laugh vibrating onto his chest as her hands slowly pushed him away. She disregarded his soft whines as she straightened up, hopping off the break table Jaemin had pressed her up against after he had thrown all off the files onto the floor.

"Don't say it" Jaemin playfully begged

"I have work to do" she said, biting back a smile

"We still have twenty minutes left" he whined, a tiny pout on his lips as he attempted to start making out with her again, only to get pushed back once more.

"Well I don't want to face clients with hickeys on my neck all day so either we use those twenty minutes to do whatever we were scheduled to do or—"

"Well what if I told you we were scheduled to make out for twenty minutes—"

"Jaemin" She said, crossing her arms over her chest making him groan as he threw his head back in defeat

"Fine, keep me on my toes. I'll schedule you in for an hour long make out session tomorrow" Jaemin teased, poking his tongue out at her like a child and she let out an airy laugh

"So I'll be seeing you tomorrow?" She questioned, silently wondering where her previous anxiety around him had gone.

"You bet."


And just as he promised, Jaemin arrived by the clinic just before her shift could end. Thankfully the clinic closed earlier on the Saturday and not many patients were around to stress her out. Plus, she had Sundays off, meaning—

"We are going to get so drunk tonight" Jaemin said to Areum who just stepped out of her office, a wide smile plastered on his face as he held up two bottles of what seemed to expensive champagne in his hands.

"You know, I prefer this a lot better than the coffee you always bring" Juri chuckled, reaching over and grabbing one bottle from his grip before pushing the door and leaving the clinic

"I guess we can settle on being just tipsy tonight" Jaemin said with a sigh, looking at the one remaining champagne bottle in his hold

"Just tipsy it is then. What are we celebrating?" She asked, putting on her jacket as she slung her bag over her shoulder

"I got my medical license back" he smiled and she raised her brows in surprise

"It was taken away?" She asked

"Eh...long story" Jaemin shrugged, stepping out so she could close up the clinic

"Should I be worried? You didn't harvest organs and sell them on the black market did you? Because if so, I'm really going to reconsider this party for two invitation" she joked, narrowing her eyes at him and he rolled his eyes

"It's nothing crazy. I promise" he chuckled and she nodded

" does that mean you're going back to work or—" he cut her off with a groan before he could even finish as he opened the passenger door to his car

"I really don't want to think about being a capitalist slave right now. We're celebrating, remember? Don't ruin the vibe" he said and she let out a light scoff, a smile unable to hide itself on her lips as she took a seat in his car, chuckling to herself as he walked around and got into the driver's seat.

"You could totally be poisoning me with this champagne to put me to sleep and harvest my organs" she continued and he laughed

"If I poisoned you then your organs would fail, what the fuck would I harvest dumbass?" Jaemin asked, looking over at her with a smirk as her mouth parted at his statement

"Since when were we so casual with each other, dumbass?" She scoffed and he chuckled, his hand letting go of the gear and reaching over to plant itself on her thigh, fingers slowly tracing over her thigh

"Hmm, we could be a lot more than casual tonight" he hummed, glancing at her again and seeing her front teeth gnaw at her bottom lip before turning back to the road. And it wasn't long until the two were seated on his living room floor with the champagne bottle now empty as they focused on being more than casual.

"So I guess it'll be my apartment every time huh? Since we wouldn't want Jinhyung to interrupt this" Jaemin said and she smirked, cocking her head to the side as she turned to him. He raised his eyebrows at her accusing expression, fingers pausing the rubs on her back as he looked at her with anticipation

"Are you jealous?" She asked, teasing him and he scoffed, turning his head away and shaking it profusely

"No...of course I'm not jealous..." he said with an awkward laugh as his voice got quieter

"I'm not jealous I just...needed to make sure I had no competition" he admitted, meeting her eyes again that showed far more mischievousness than before. She propped herself onto her knees before slinging one of her legs over his hips, positioning her on top of his thighs as his back rested against the couch. His eyes never left hers as she leaned closer towards him with a smile on her lips.

"Trust me, with a face like have no competition" she smirked, grabbing the sides of his face in her hands before placing a kiss onto his lips that tasted just like hers. Her lips grazed over his teeth as he couldn't help but smile into the kiss, prompting her to do the same until the two broke out into a fit of giggles

"So this is the awkward part where I ask if we should move things to the bedroom because my butt is going numb from sitting on this floor" Jaemin said and she chuckled, standing up to her feet and extending her hand to help his up as well

"Yeah, we don't wanna hurt that cute butt of yours" she giggled, patting his ass as he led the way, making him swat her hand away immediately

"You've been staring at my ass" he said, pointing a finger at her and she giggled again

"Maybe once or twice...every time you came in" she joked with a shrug and he rolled his eyes with with a stupid grin on his face

"You're such a weirdo" he said, shaking his head and she scoffed

"What? It's cute—"

"Stop touching it!" He shrieked, grabbing her hand and landing a slap to her ass twice as hard only for her to moan out at the sudden feeling

"You like it!" He shouted playfully, pushing her into the bedroom and disregarding her fit of giggles before he picked her up and threw her onto his bed to give her a night could never—and will never forget.

A/n: they're so cute oh my god 🥹🥹

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