the 18th floor

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"Did you come to laugh at me too?" Haechan asked with a slight frown as Areum appeared behind Mark with a cute wave.

"No...I came to say thank you" Areum chuckled, walking over to stand by his bedside while Mark continued to plug in the electric razor.

"Thank you?" Haechan questioned and she nodded

"Yeah, thanks to you all the interns got their hours cut shorter. 12 hour shifts for 6 days a week and the night shifts are only weekly rotation now" she explained and Haechan scoffed lightly with an impressed look

"Damn...who would've thought it was possible" He said, turning to Mark who held the razor up with a small smile

"Do I really have to?" Haechan whined

"Yes you do" a voice said from behind them as the three turned to see Jaemin walking in with a stethoscope around his neck and a file in his hand

"How are you feeling?" Jaemin asked, approaching his bed after scanning the room quietly to see Areum smile back at him a little. He couldn't help but admit that day by day it was getting a lot harder to see her around work and still be her boss.

"Fine I guess...seen it happen a few times" Haechan said pretty laid back

"He's talking about those animated videos from med school" Areum corrected with a light scoff as she watched Mark laugh along with her while he shaved off Haechan's hair slowly

"Right're still a patient so I have to let you know there might be a few complications—as with any surgery" Jaemin explained slowly and Haechan nodded

"But I'll be fine...right?" Haechan asked again, feeling a little nervousness creep into his bones at the sound of the statement

"I can't make any promises. You'll need a family member or emergency contact present too" Jaemin said nonchalantly. As he was always taught to of course. He was a doctor( he had to be honest and realistic with his patients

"Isn't this a minor surgery?" Areum asked, picking up on the shift in tone and atmosphere as she eyed him carefully. She knew Jaemin was headstrong at work but his emotional distance always seemed to tick her off at times

"It's still a brain surgery" Jaemin said simply, not meeting her eyes as he turned away from the group and left the room

"Great...I'm in the hands of a surgeon who literally got his license suspended recently. I'm gonna die." Haechan sighed and Areum frowned lightly at the disheartened look on his face

"You're not gonna die" she reassured him yet he looked unconvinced

"I promise" she said, cocking her head to side and little but he only scoffed

"You're not meant to make promises to a patient" Haechan retorted

"Too bad, I made it" she said quickly, opening the door and letting herself out into the hallway as her eyes tried to scan the floor for traces of the doctor

"Dr. Na!" Areum called out, making his head snap up and stop the elevator doors from closing. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched her jog to catch up to him until she stood right infront of him

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned at the sudden call

"Hey...what was that?" She asked, letting herself into the elevator

"What was what?" Jaemin asked as the elevator doors shut closed again

"In there. You just scared him a little before the surgery...why would you do that?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest as he sighed at the slightly unimportant question

"He has a right to know the complications of the surgery hes going into" Jaemin explained, wondering why he had to in the first place

"Yeah could've said it a bit nicer" she said with a slight frown on her lips as she felt the scrutiny of his serious eyes

"Are you telling me how to do my job now?" He asked, his tone serious as no sense of humour was laced in his words

"No" She answered as her eyes scanned his expression, hoping to dig in a little deeper into why he was acting so differently

"Good. What floor?" Jaemin asked, pressing the button for the 18th floor. Her eyes narrowed in at the illuminated button

" it the same VIP patient from last night?" She asked, knowing the 18th floor he was heading to only held the most important patients within the hospital

"Don't worry about it" he answered simply with a small smile yet she could already tell it was far from genuine. Her hand flicked to the red switch in the elevator, pausing their ride up for a moment as she stared at him intently

"What are you doing?" Jaemin asked with a sigh as he straightened up a little

"Is something bothering you?" She asked, stepping closer to him and wrapping her arms over his tense shoulders

"No" he answered simply again and she sighed, her hot breath meeting his tightly pursed lips

"You've been acting weird ever since you left last night" She said, silently pleading for him to open up a little

"It's nothing. Seriously" he said and she bit her lower lip as his face lit up with a smile

"I have to get back to work" Jaemin said with a whisper, lips kissing her cheek lightly as his fingers flipped the switch back up to start the elevator.

Areum sighed as they separated from each other again, dissatisfied from their conversation and stepping out of the metal cage with a frown as he took it up to the VIP floor.

" we have a new patient on the 18th floor?" Areum asked Jinah who was waiting by the reception of the floor she had her rounds on

"—why? Interns aren't allowed to work VIP cases" Jinah said, furrowing her eyebrows and Areum nodded quickly

"Yeah just...wondering" she said simply, bidding her a goodbye as she carried on with her shift while her brain fogged up with curiosity on what had put Jaemin in such a weird mood recently.

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