call it, doctor

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"Just let it all out" Mark said, patting her back soothingly as she puked into the bin outside the hospital, getting a few stares from the people who were around them

"I touched a fucking heart today and a...a blood clot—" she cut herself off by throwing up again, emptying all the contents of her stomach that threatened to spill out

"You good?" Mark asked with a look of grimace as he patted her back and she nodded, wiping her mouth with her hand

"Why are you even being nice to me?" She asked as she looked towards him, seeing him scratch the back of his head awkwardly at her statement

"Have some water. You know maybe you should—" the beeping of Mark's pager cut off his sentence and Areum quickly dismissed him

"Go, I'll be fine" she reassured as she gargled the water in her mouth before spitting it out

"You sure?" Mark asked and she nodded, watching him turn around and run back into the building. She let out a sighed as she leaned against the wall of the hospital, staring up at the dark night sky as she was left alone while everyone else went inside where it was much warmer. She enjoyed her last few moments of silence as she knew she still had a long shift to cover. But unfortunately for her, the calm and quiet was ruined as Jaemin stepped in front of her with his hands in his pant pockets

"You know...we have protocols in place for a reason. You shouldn't do a surgery that you haven't been authorised to do. You're just an intern" he said and she sighed, hating that she was even having to listen to this after being pushed into doing a surgery she never wanted to do in the first place

"I followed those protocols and nothing happened. If I didn't do anything there would be a dead man in that room right now" Areum scoffed, taking another gulp of the water before tossing the empty bottle into the bin

"I chief of surgery I just have to tell you that—"

"Alright, I got it. Enough with the lectures already" she sighed, standing upright as she faced him with her arms crossed over her chest to give her a little more warmth

"Give out to me and shout at me when I deserve it if you want...but give me some credit when I earned it too" she said, looking at him with tired eyes and he slowly nodded, scratching the back of his neck with his hand

"You have to understand that I don't want to give out to you and shout at you. But I'm your boss and...sometimes I have to" Jaemin said with a sigh

"Be honest with me,..what is it that makes you so angry at me? Because if it was because I lied to you before then you wouldn't have just kissed me. You wouldn't be giving me your books and telling me to try harder" she said and he looked to the ground before looking back up at her eyes

"Want me to be honest?" He asked and she nodded, wanting to hear him out for once and get it all out in the open

"You are the opposite of everything medicine stands for. You cut corners, you hurt people, you put people's lives at risk, you dont think rationally, you act impulsively and you dont work hard for anything...ever" he said in one breath as he watched her part her lips, already starting to get defensive from his words although he wasn't wrong for the majority of it. But saying she doesn't work hard at all would be a reach

"I work hard. I passed all my exams and still didn't get a job in any hospital this summer because I have no connections whatsoever. This whole system revolves around who you know and where you're from. How is that my fault?" She asked and he shook his head

"Im sure you couldve tried harder. Not everyone that works here came from great connections" Jaemin said, not buying that excuse

"Yeah not everyone. But Jaemin, you of all people can't tell me to work harder when everythings been handed down to you in a silver platter. Both your parents are on the board for this hospital aren't they?" She asked, knowing he had no excuse but to accept what she was getting at

"Are you accusing me of using my mom to get this job? Because if you are, you are way out of line" Jaemin said, his voice growing stern as his jaw tensed up at her statement

"I'm not accusing you of anything. You could be the best doctor in this hospital...but it sure does help when your mom's on the board right?" She scoffed, cocking her head to the side. So the locker room talk was right after all. Na Jaemin was just another privileged rich kid that had his life planned out for success since day one

"Isn't that why they made you chief of surgery again even after your license got suspended?" She asked through her teeth with an eyebrow cocking up before she brushed past his shoulder as she walked back into the hospital

"Dr. Jung" Jaemin called out as he followed her back in making her groan. Here we go again.

"You know, you have no right to—"

"Code blue, patient 310. Code blue" the sound of the intercom made the two fall silent as they slowly widened their eyes at the sound of the patient number

"Fuck! That's Seulgi!" Areum hissed, her heart rate picking up as she ran towards the stairs, rushing up to her ward with Jaemin following behind her

"What happened?" Areum asked, hearing the machine pick up a speedy heart rate from the girl who was lying on the bed

"Patient is 23 diagnosed with AFib, BP is up 270/210" Jisung briefed quickly

"We need a beta blocker, get her esmolol on IV now!" Areum said quickly, looking over her shoulder to see Jaemin frozen in place

"There's not enough oxygen in her blood" Jisung stated

"Dr. Na, we need the defibrillator!" Areum shouted, yet it was to no avail as she heard the sudden sharp sound of the monitor

"She's flatlined" Jisung said, dropping his arms by his side as Areum only saw tunnel vision.

"Starting CPR, get a dose of—"

"No." Jaemin said, holding Areum's arm back before she could start any chest compressions. She turned to him with confusion laced over her face as he nodded firmly over to Jisung.

"W-what...what are you doing? We have to save her!" Areum shouted as the monitor shut off, leaving the room silent

"She has a DNR. We have to let her go" Jaemin said with a low voice as he held her back

"No! Jaemin we have to do something!" Areum cried, thrashing her arm away from his tight grip to no avail

"Dr. Jung, what's the first principle of medical ethics?" Jaemin asked as she struggled to hold back her tears

"Answer me" Jaemin said making Areum shake her head as she ran a hand through her hair

"Patient Autonomy" she choked out

"We have to respect the patient's DNR, no matter what. We need to let her go" Jaemin said, pulling her back by his side as she shook next to him with cries

"Call it doctor" Jisung said, looking at Areum with a saddened expression. Jaemin turned to look down at the girl who only shook her head in denial. He bit the inside of his cheek as he turned back to Jisung.

"Time of death, 23:47."

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