the lucky 6

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"What now?" Areum asked with an exasperated sigh, hands on her hips as she looked at Seulgi who sat up by her bed with a proud smirk on her face

"Where's Dr. Na?" She asked, peeking behind her to see if the famous for his looks doctor followed

"In surgery. Because you know, he's a doctor and that's what doctors do 24/7. We are busy, busy people—"

"So you saw him?" Seulgi asked and Areum sighed again, squeezing her eyes shut to stop herself from lashing out at the girl who looked perfectly fine despite the constant paging

"Is he as hot as everyone says he is?" She asked and Areum rolled her eyes, shaking her head

"You're unbelievable—"

"Oh come on, just sit down and take a break. I could really use the company" Seulgi said pleadingly and Areum groaned, closing the ward door before approaching her bed

"So?" Seulgi asked with a bright expression and Areum tried not to curse out in every language at the mere thought of Na Jaemin

"He's a young hot shot doctor who's just an ass but everyone looks past that because he's just so handsome and was probably hand crafted by God himself. So who really cares if he's a total dick that has barely any respect to listen to other people and be a petty little bitch" Areum ranted out in one breath, chest slightly heaving after she let it all out to Seulgi

"Can't say I'm surprised" Seulgi said with her eyebrows raised and Areum hummed in confusion

"Well most hot guys come with an ego bigger than their own dicks" Seulgi shrugged and Areum sighed, sitting against the foot of the bed

"Doesn't help that his dick is big either" she muttered, getting Seulgi's attention straight away

"I knew you had tea! Was he good? I mean he looks like he'd be good but—"

"Okay let's not talk about this anymore!" Areum squealed, a smile cracking on her lips as she quickly shook her head wanting to think about literally anything else

"You know some of us don't even get dick so you could just be a good doctor and talk to me about your experience" Seulgi said with a playful scoff, rolling her eyes and Areum chuckled

"Okay fine...he's good." She said, hiding her cheeks that were starting to flame up in her hands as Seulgi's face lightened up

"Like how good?" Seulgi asked and Areum groaned

"Really fucking good" she whined with a pout on her lips and Seulgi groaned for her loss of sexual activity with the hot doctor too

"But I just don't get how someone who would literally go from eating me out like his life depended on it to barely even letting me finish a sentence before getting mad at me for every little thing I do" she huffed and Seulgi giggled at her statement

"Sorry I didn't mean to overshare" Areum said sheepishly

"Are you kidding? This is so much more interesting than the fucking news" Seulgi said with a laugh, grabbing the remote and turning the TV off. Her face looked brighter and more energetic by just talking to Areum and the doctor smiled knowing even the smallest of interactions could make someone's whole day.

"Well I'm glad my misery brings you joy" Areum said with a chuckle, shaking her head

"So what happened? Did you guys fight or is he just bipolar because hot guys get away with being complete psychopaths too" Seulgi asked and Areum hummed

"Technically the term psychopath is a bit outdated and we just call them—" Areum cleared her throat at the plain expression from Seulgi who wanted to hear gossip and not a psych lecture

"Right uh...I may have lied about my age and told him I was a doctor before I was even a doctor" Areum said, quickly pointing at Seulgi with a warning glance

"You better not tell anyone I said that" Areum warned playfully

"Don't worry, I'll take it with me to my grave" she chuckled and a knock against the door caused the two to stop their conversation, turning to look at the hot shot doctor they were talking about entering the room

"I see you two are getting along" Jaemin said with a small smile, walking closer towards Seulgi while Areum got up from her seat against the patient bed

"Yeah she's...really fucking good" Seulgi chuckled, looking towards Areum with teasing eyes as she grew red with embarrassment for how she once described what the hot shot doctor was like in bed

"Glad to hear it...everything looks fine here. Do you mind if I steal her away while you get some lunch?" Jaemin asked with a smile and Seulgi pouted

"Does she have to go?" Seulgi pleaded and Jaemin chuckled, looking towards Areum who smiled at Seulgi as well

"Unfortunately she does. I'll send her back to you don't worry. Areum let's go" Jaemin said, cocking his head towards the door and Areum followed him out with a small smile on her lips

"You called me Areum" she said as she closed the door behind her making him look up from his file to meet her eyes while his smile wore off his lips

"Right...Dr. Jung. I called a small meeting with the other residents to discuss a case. We're going to need all hands on deck to get a diagnosis for this one. Here's the patient file" Jaemin said with his normal tone, passing her the patient file and she sighed, pursing her lips into a thin line as she took the page from him and skimmed over it while following him towards the conference room.

"Alright, I assume Dr. Lee has briefed you all on the patient. Dr. Park why don't you brief us again" Jaemin said, taking a seat by the table while Areum moved to the back of the room where the other interns were

"Yes sir. Mrs. Ahn is a a 52 year old who was admitted last night with progressive shortness of breath over the last few days. She has been diagnosed with metastatic brain cancer. The CT scan on the left shows one large tumour in the left lung where it originated from and the MRI on the right shows two smaller tumours, one by the the brain stem and the other at the cerebellum" Wonbin explained clearly

"It's very common for a lung cancer patient to have brain mets and although surgery isn't particularly advised, we could shrink the size of the tumour in the lung for better chances with radiotherapy. We'd also have to remove the brain tumours before they start to spread any further which means..." Jeno trailed off

"They'll have to be removed simultaneously." Jaemin finished making the interns look towards each other with wide eyes at the complications (a/n: idek if this is medically possible/viable iwl)

"For those of you booked in for tonight, three of you will assist me with the lung tumour while another three will assist Dr. Na with the brain tumours...the rest will be overseeing our patients during the course of this surgery. OR1 is booked for 7pm" Jeno said, finishing up the meeting

"So which six of us?" Renjun piped up, hoping to get a shot at this surgery out of the 12 interns that were working tonight

"Renjun, Mark, Aeri with Dr. Lee and Haechan, Wonbin, Ningning with Dr. Na. The other six can spread out between neuro, cardio and general" Jinah stated making the interns that lose out groan but Areum especially was fuming

"And Dr. Jung, keep an eye on Ms. Kang as well" Jaemin smiled, hitting the last nail on the head before Areum had smoke practically coming out of her ears

"What did you do for him to hate you this much?" Haechan chuckled from her side as she glared holes into his back watching him walk out of the room.

"I'm getting in on this surgery whether he likes it or not" she grumbled, following his stride to finally give him a piece of her mind

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