a silent war

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The silence was loud.

Too loud.

"What are you doing here?" Juri finally piped up after staring at the girl infront of her. Areum was in a rain jacket to protect herself from the heavy storm beginning to form outside, her light blue uniform poking out. She had about an hour before she had to clock in for her morning shift, and this is how she chose to spend that hour.

"Can I talk to Jisoo?" She asked, her hands awkwardly prying their way out of her pocket

"She's a little busy—"

"That's Dr. Kim to you." A stern voice said, turning the corner as the figure made itself known to Areum. She stepped back lightly, bowing to Jisoo before straightening up again.

"Can I please talk to you?" She asked nervously, wiping the sweat forming against the back of her palms against her pants

"I have nothing to talk to you about. You sure have some nerve to even show your face here again" Jisoo scoffed and Areum nodded slowly

"I came to apologise" she said with a small voice, her hands picking at the ends of the hoodie that covered the uniform. Jisoo looked at her stature, eyeing her up and down before turning on her heel

"Follow me" she ordered, walking towards her office. Her heels clicked against the floor while Areum's runners trailed behind her quickly. Jisoo held the door open for her to enter, closing it behind her to give the two some privacy.

"Apologise." Jisoo said bluntly, arms crossed over her chest as she stared at the girl with the guilty expression

"I'm sorry" she said, her head bowing towards the elder, and now her higher up

"For?" Jisoo probed further

"For lying about being a doctor and forging documents—"

"Which are illegal acts, you know? What you just said is an admission of guilt. You shouldn't even be talking to me right now, you should be talking to the poli—"

"I know...I...don't care. I just really needed you to know..that I'm sorry" she said, her hand reaching out from her side to tug the neck of her hoodie up that dragged low from her hands previously being in her pockets

"You came all the way here just for that?" Jisoo asked, her eyes looking away from her before walking over to the cabinet in her office

"I wanted to be sincere...I really mean it. I'm sorry—I didn't know—fuck I did know how reckless I was being...I just..." Areum trailed off, not even being able to excuse her actions any further. She knew she had no viable excuses available for her

"Sit down" Jisoo said, breaking the moment of silence that had ensued the two after her statements. Areum looked up with confusion, her eyes following Jisoo as she moved around her office

"Why?" She asked, brows furrowed in confusion

"Just sit" Jisoo sighed and Areum followed her instructions, her feet treading towards the chain in the middle of the office where she had treated several patients on

"Hows the internship?"

"Its okay...i'm getting the hang of it...or I thought i was anyway"

"One day im saving a patient, next day ive nearly ended one and another day my life is about to end"

"Sounds like

In a matter of seconds Jisoo was walking towards her, hands covered in familiar white latex gloves, reaching towards her neck. Areun flinched instinctively, moving away from her prying hands that aimed to tug down at the hoodie. Her breathing picked up, she could almost hear her own heart beat in her ears.

"What are you doing?" Areum breathed out, eyes widening in slight shock

"Your vocal chords are irritated and you've been scratching at your neck for the past few minutes. Let me have a look" Jisoo said simply, not phased by her reaction, reaching for her hoodie again

"No! No please..." Areum said quickly, springing up and out of the chair, her hands almost beginning to shake as her voice trembled


"No." Areum said more firmly, shaking her head slowly, staring back at Jisoo with fear laced in her eyes

Jisso sighed and took off her gloves, reaching for the tube of ointment she had stowed away in her white doctor's coat before holding it out for Areum to take

"It's a steroid cream that will help with the inflammation, use it twice a day for a week. Call if the bruising doesn't fade away by then." Jisoo said, her voice and face showing indifference to her explosive reaction

"H-how did you know?" Areum asked, her words stuttering as her lips quivered with her anxiety building up

"Im a doctor...I just do. You should know that by now. You're a doctor too" Jisoo sighed, turning away from her and taking off the powdered gloves

"You should go, don't you have a shift now?" Jisoo said, busying herself with her own work, giving Areum the space to move towards the door.

Areum was about to step out when she glanced back and froze. Jisoo was taking off her doctor's coat, the crisp white fabric slipping down her arms. Beneath it, bruises—pigmented but fading—marked her skin. Areum felt her heart tighten in her chest.

"Jisoo..." she began, her voice barely a whisper. Jisoo glanced up, her expression unreadable, as if she knew what Areum had seen, as if she had wanted her to see. To see what it was like to be hurt and bruised, but still be strong emotionally.

"Don't worry about it. You'll learn to live with it soon enough" she said calmly, folding the coat as though the bruises were just another part of her day.

Areum's words caught in her throat. She wanted to say something—anything—but the space between them felt too fragile.

"I'm... sorry. For everything," Areum finally said once more, voice more sincere than ever before as it was no longer guilt that was clouding her. She was no longer apologising for her past mistakes, but rather who she had hurt. She hurt someone who had enough cuts and bruises to cover already.

Maybe Jaemin was right after, all she does is hurt people.

"Take care of yourself, Areum. Go, or you'll be late," she said, Jisoo met her gaze, holding it longer than Areum had expected. Her voice was softer this time but with a firmness that told Areum the conversation was over.

Areum swallowed, nodding, but the apology still felt incomplete. She turned toward the door, hesitating for just a moment longer. She didn't say anything else, but something passed between them, unspoken yet undeniable. A sense of understanding, a sense of acceptance, but definitely a sense of forgiveness.

We all have secrets, wars that we fight behind closed doors. And not all our wins or losses can be shared with those around us. No matter how alone Areum had felt up until now, she knew she had to learn to trust herself than to complain. She had to fight for herself everyday, with or without the help of another.

As Areum left, she felt more understood in the silence than she had in years of words.

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