the nurses won't talk

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"You can't be serious" Jaemin scoffed, shaking his head as he entered the OR to see Areum fully dressed in her scrubs as she studied the tray of equipment

"This is a minimally invasive discectomy, I don't need an intern. Don't you have patients to tend to?" Jaemin asked with his hands on his hip. The two theatre nurses looked at each other awkwardly as Areum got stared down by her superior

"If it's a minimally invasive discectomy it should only take an hour or two to finish the full procedure. I have my pager on if Jinah needs me on the floor" Areum said, shooting his question down quickly. He sighed, not wanting to waste any more time than he already did this morning as he took the bus to work for the first time in a few years

"Fine. But I'm warning you, this is going to bore you out of your mind" Jaemin said, approaching the surgical table where the patient laid

"Patient's sedated and good to go, page me if you need anything" the anaesthesiologist said and Jaemin hummed, his eyes looking back up to Areum to stood across from him

"You're wasting your time" Jaemin said, not seeing the point of her being there at all

"Actually you're wasting my time" she shot back making the nurses cough awkwardly to ease the thick tension that raised in the air around them

"Come around here then, watch closely" Jaemin said, cracking his knuckles as she moved to stand beside him

"Surgical site is prepped and ready for an incision" a nurse said and he nodded

"Alright then, let's get to work. Guide wire" Jaemin said, putting out his gloved hand to take the small needle like tool from the nurse

"Alright pay attention okay? I'm inserting the guide wire here, this is going to help us locate the herniated disc and tell us the exact angle all the other tools with go by" Jaemin explained, watching her eyes following his movements as he pricked the skin slowly

"Do this slow and steady, we don't want to damage any nerves. And when we find it...we use a marker to measure out the incision. I'm only doing 1cm for this one" he said, focusing on his actions carefully and following through with every word

"Ready for incision" Jaemin informed the nurses before slowly pulling out the guide wire and setting it down on an empty tray


"Scalpel" Areum said quickly, cutting him off. Jaemin let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes tightly before turning his head to her

"Sorry, I just wanted to say it" she said with more excitement in her voice than guilt as she sat in on her first guided surgery

"You wanna cut?" Jaemin asked with a plain voice and she looked up at him with wide eyes that he swore almost sparkled from the bright lights of the room. He cleared his throat, looking away quickly as he felt slightly uneasy, moving back to let her take the sharp knife from the nurse instead

"Okay just cut between the two dots, not too deep. Prepare for a little bleeding" Jaemin said and she followed his orders, keeping her hands as steady as possible. His front pressed against her back as he reached over to stop the bleeding from the cut, making her breath hitch in her throat at their close proximity

"That's good. Now take the K-wire and insert it at the same angle, not too deep okay?" Jaemin said, practically into her ear making her shudder slightly underneath him. His hand clasped over hers as he placed the long metal tool in her fingers

"Don't get nervous now. Nice and steady. You'll feel it when you reach the disc" he said with a low voice, helping her hands stay stable as she inserted the thin wire down

"I reached the disc" she said as she felt the wire hit a bone and Jaemin hummed, his hands reaching for another tool

"Keep the wire in place, I'm just going to attach the dilator now" he said, guiding her through every step

"Prepare the endoscopy" he said to the nurses making them turn away to prepare for the next step of the surgery taking his hand away from hers and she nodded slowly

"You're doing so good" he whispered into her ear making the hair along the back of her neck stand up


"Dr. Na" he whispered to correct her and she cleared her throat quickly

"Dr. Na...the nurses are right there" she said with a slight his, brows furrowed slightly at the thought of rumours spreading around the hospital of the two flirting during a surgery

"So? The nurses won't talk" Jaemin reassured, focusing on the surgery and the girl who was still trapped in front of him

"Push this down until you reach the disc as well, this keeps the endoscope in place" Jaemin instructed, watching her follow through his orders perfectly

"Is this okay?" She asked, watching as he cleaned up the blood that strained out while she pushed the thicker metal down further through the tiny incision

"Mhm, just like that. Good job" he praised, his words sounding reassuring but his statements sending her subliminal messages that almost had her knees wobble.

She turned her head slightly to look up at him, seeing his eyes focus on hers quickly as they shared no further words and just one glance that seemed to speak a thousand words that neither could understand. And for the first time in a while they weren't looking at each other with anger, disappointment or smirking at each other with egocentric undertones. The sudden sound of her pager beeping made the two rip their stares apart and clear their throats.

"Dr. Jung, Dr. Lee just paged you. She needs you in cardiology" the nurse informed and Areum looked towards Jaemin who nodded at her

"You can scrub out" Jaemin said quickly, turning his attention back to the sedated patient.

Areum quickly rushed towards the cardiology department after cleaning herself up, mind racing with thoughts on what  surgery could possibly be awaiting her now. After all, she did save a life yesterday. But she should've been more prepared for what was to come when she knew Jeno and Jaemin were best friends—

"I-I don't get there's no surgery?" Areum asked with a dumbfounded expression

"No surgery. I want you on sutures all day by the ER" Jeno said and Areum scoffed

"So you...took me out of a surgery to put me in sutures?! I saved a man's life yesterday—"

"And your closing was messy, horrendously bad. You need the practice" Jeno stated with a shrug, leaving her with Jinah who looked at her with an annoyed expression

"Can you believe him?!" Areum grunted, knowing that Jaemin definitely had something to do behind this

"Areum?" Jinah said and she turned to face her with an expectant look

"Think twice about lying to me again or I'll have you in sutures all week" Jinah warned and Areum sheepishly pursed her lips into a thin line and gave her a small nod as she walked away

"God, what does one have to do to step in on a surgery around here?" She groaned, her foot lightly kicking the trash can beside her in frustration

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