broken glass

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"You're...okay?" Jinah asked, almost for the third time with confusion, as Areum strolled casually into the hospital

"Yes...I'm fine. You don't need to keep asking" Areum said with an exasperated sigh, turning to the girl who wouldn't stop following her

"Well I do actually...because I'm your supervisor and yesterday you were almost....are you sure you don't just want to go home and rest?" She asked, still trying to sound like her boss—because she was—but Areum could notice the friendly worry laced in her voice

"Look, if I'm home all I can do is sit there in silence and replay it over and over again in my head so yeah...I'm sure" Areum said, reassuring her

"I promise...I feel a lot better" Areum said with a smile, and while it was small, it was genuine. She really was starting to feel better.

Like Jisoo said, she'll learn to live with the constant itching and tightness around her throat. And one day it'll all go away until she can barely feel it. One day it'll be a bruise that shows how strong she was, not how weak she was.

"Alright...go get changed. I want you in sutures all day" Jinah said and she nodded

"Great" she replied, and Jinah eyed her a little longer, as if she was expecting a fight back from the girl who previously needed things to go her way—because being stuck with sutures was definitely not the ideal day for an aspiring surgeon

"But I'll make an exception just this once. Dr. Na has a surgery in three hours so step in with Dr. Yoo to assist"  Jinah said, letting the girl step into a surgery.

"Okay" Areum nodded and Jinah pursed her lips together at her reaction. While any other intern would be ecstatic to hear they could step into a Neuro sugery, she was indifferent to it now.

"Are you guys...okay?" Jinah asked, trying not to give off the impression that she was aware of her and Jaemin's feelings to each other

"Yeah...why wouldn't we be?" Areum asked simply, looking away from Jinah and taking the files she had extended out to her, busying her eyes

"He's a doctor and I'm an intern. That's all" Areum said with a shrug, continuing her walk towards the intern changing room with her files in her hand

It was almost starting to get mundane, the tasks of entering the hospital, opening up her locker and changing into her uniform. But she wasn't going to lie and say she didn't feel the eerie silence everytime she walked past the ICU floor or looked at the familiar faces of nurses who had rushed in to help her last night. And while almost seemed like everyone else was walking on eggshells around her, it felt like she was walking on broken glass shards.

"Hey" a small voice said from behind her, causing her to jump a little and turn around to face the man she felt like she wasn't even ready to see yet

Na Jaemin stood across from her, his eyes looking at her so gently as they found themselves alone in the room.

"Hi" she said, her hand naturally reaching up to the neck of her hoodie to hold it tighter against her skin, and even in the smallest of ways she seemed to hide from him

"What are you..." she trailed off

"Oh uh...I thought you might need this" Jaemin said, his hand extending out a brown paper bag. Her hand slowly reached down from the neck of her hoodie to take the bag from him, looking inside at the newly bought white turtleneck inside before letting out a sigh

"You didn't have to—"

"I wanted to." Jaemin said, cutting her off as her eyes trailed back to his

"And...I care...about you" he said slowly, stepping closer towards her, feeling more firm in his feelings about her as she didn't take a step back

"So yeah...I did have to" he whispered, his hands lightly placing themselves on her waist, pulling her closer to him as her body didn't fight back

"And if I could turn back time I really would do...a lot more than just this. But I can' just let me do this much" He said, just below a breath as he pulled her into his chest, feeling her relax instantly against his touch. And she knew that no matter how much she could try and fight it, nothing beats the comfort of having him there for her

"Okay?" He asked in her ear as his arms wrapped around her tightly

"Okay" she whispered back, letting her arms do the same, letting herself fall into him once more

"Where did you go last night?" Jaemin asked, the question was lingering in his head ever since he had woken up alone in his bed, worried and anxious until he finally saw her again

"Home" she replied shortly, but she knew it was a white lie. She never really had a home.

"I thought I was your home" Jaemin whispered back, feeling his chest tighten at the slightest hint of another lie from her that added to the mountain. But he couldn't even blame her. Not when he knew he would be a hypocrite at this stage.

He had lied to her too. And it was only a matter of time until his hidden iceberg would reveal itself to her.

But before anymore could be said between the two, the sound of the door opening from behind them caused them to jump and pull away from each other. Jaemin, as a surgeon, had no place being in the interns changing room. Especially not alone with Areum.

"I'm going to go check on Dr. Lee and see how his recovery is coming should uh—"

"I'm assisting your surgery later so—"

"Great! You uh...yeah" Jaemin said quickly, turning on his heel and walking out of the room before any more suspicion could be raised between the two

"Hey, how are you holding up?" One of the interns who just walked in asked.

"I'm fine" Areum said simply, her eyes travelling up to see Karina look at her with slight pity in her eyes

"You don't have to fake it, you know? It's okay to not be fine" she said, a small smile that tried to give her a slight sense of comfort on her lips

"I'm really fine" Areum nodded, turning back to her locker with a sigh before grabbing the turtleneck from inside the bag

She was fine. Or at least...she will be.

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